Chapter 2

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On the other side of UZBA, there were just some traces of civilization. A small village Huber, was located on the edges of the great dormant wall.
A small group of Savians, parted from the rest of Pangaea years ago and decided to live here without any alterations caused by Sinokians or other Savis. The people of Huber were originally drags, the dragon tamers. Each person from a small child of 5 to the oldest man of 123 possessed a dragon. The bond between the person and the dragon depended upon the understanding and intelligence of the tamer.

The life of dragon lied upon the life of its master. That small village was subject to frequent attacks of the superior Savians, so to tackle this problem, people of Huber formed a army of most abled dragon warriors. That army was called Miskod.

In that whole village of Huber,the Cornetts were the most respected family. That too was because of their children. Mary and Grut were proud to have kids like Kevin and Gracia.
Kevin was 19, and was a dragon warrior of Miskod,whereas Gracia,2 years younger was excellent in the art of preparing potions. There was just one black sheep in the family, Elissa. The youngest child of family. She was born with incapabilities to use powers of wand. She was 15, but still there was no dragon in her fate. Born with orange tinge skin,she was not allowed to go outdoors after sunset.
In the whole Huber, there was not a single person who loved her. She was considered as curse to them. She used to spend her time outside of village near the Dabish pond where her best friend trigo, a speaking banyan tree gave that innocent girl a feel of family, friend and some reasons to smile.

                            * * *
Sun was in the full mood to go to sleep, red dusk  was spread all over the whole volcanic region. Darkness was about to come, and Elissa was still outdoors.

"Kevin! Go and please search for your sister.... Moon is about to come" Mary said to Kevin.

" I have to go the Miskod meet, nothing would happen to her......she is not a kid mom' replied Kevin as he took his wand and long coat to go for the meeting organised for the dragon warriors.

"Miskod meet!! Why? Is there any threat ?"Mary asked Kevin out of her curiosity and astonishment.

''There are rumors that a very powerful and precious stone has been stolen.....and Amarah doubts that Savians have done this... So may be deities would attack us" replied Kevin.

Hearing his reply, Mary's face turned pale because they were never attacked by the Gods, and if any such attack happens it was clear that no one from the Huber gonna survive.
But her first problem was to find her daughter Elissa, Grut and Gracia were also not at home. So she called Diko.
Diko was their wolf, and was close to Elissa. She instructed Diko to find Elissa as soon as possible.
                                * * *

Diko knew where she was!

On the sides of Dabish pond, a girl was sitting there talking to a tree. She was so engulfed in her conversations that she hardly managed to notice that darkness has arrived. In that faint light the bond of their friendship was fully illuminated. Dabish pond, was located on the outskirts of Huber, very close to the forest. It was a magical pond with glittering water.
It was surrounded by trees from all sides. That forest was the only thing which connected Huber to the rest of Pangaea.

"Will I be ever able to use powers? Trigo" asked the girl.

With a polite smile on his face Trigo,answered "sure dear! You are powerful! Just you need to know the power in you"

"And how will I recognize my power" asked Elissa.

"I will tell you that...but now you should go..darkness is increasing...your parents must be searching for you Elissa" said Trigo.

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