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Death, it's a fairly fragile thing, bordering the boundaries between sanity, and insanity. Although because it is fragile, that means it breaks occasionally, believe me if you wish, leave if you doubt, for this is a story, where I break this barrier. Rialta Gaudalupe, this is my name, and this is my story, fighting through wars, and making peace throughout the lands, I bring as much death as life. I will being by telling a truth but most believe, legend. Reincarnation.

Yes the process of being alive, death and alive again. How you ask, is this a truth? Because I have seen, seen with my own stormy eyes, experienced with my soul, I lived, died, and then lived again, the process called rebirth or reincarnation. Sometimes I doubt my sanity, by the off chance these experiences where all just a figure of my delusions, as I fear that this is all for not. That this, war, murder, theft, darkness all... all for nothing.

But then, looking at the dazzling gems of the sky, along with the crown that lay heavily on my heart but light on my head, this is my new reality, my reality as Queen Rialta Gaudalupe, the first.


Strange silence came over the palace, shining marble reflected the disgusted face of my new mother, she, the queen, had went through pain, to give birth to a defect, in her mind. For I was not crying, not making a peep in the least, just staring, welcoming the world with my wide silver, white, and blue eyes, that looked like thunderstorms.

"If the child is born, retarded, tell everyone, it was a still born!" the queen would shout," Don't even tell him!!! Now take that monstrosity, throw her into the forest of demons!"

"Yes ma'am" the servants would feel badly for the new babe, but what could they do, it was the queen, ruler of the land. After wrapping my small frame in rough burlap, I'd be rushed on horseback, to the forest, where demons where rumored to rule.

Leaving me sit by a large tree, black in color, the servant would leave me, a small helpless new born infant, in a dark forest with demons and demonic creatures.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2018 ⏰

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