Coffee | Leah Clearwater Imagine

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Leah felt the warm air of the coffee shop engulf her as she stepped inside out of the rain. It was a grey and rainy day in Seattle, and Leah had forgotten to bring an umbrella for the weekend. Either way, she was still glad to have the time away from the pack, and wouldn't trade her weekend trip to the city for anything.

The space had a very minimalistic and modern vibe. The front wall and door that opened onto the street were made entirely of large panes of glass. The other three walls were a white painted brick. Above the counter, the menu was written out with the black plastic letters surrounded by clear plastic that you would find on a marquee sign.

Clearly, Leah wasn't the only one that enjoyed the aesthetic of the cafe. The line of Saturday morning customers stretched nearly to the door that Leah had just entered through. Leah didn't mind the wait, though. The coffee and pastries from this coffee shop were so enjoyable that she waited in a similar line every time that she spent a weekend in Seattle, which was any time that she could get the time away from the pack to leave. Quickly, Leah stepped into line, lest anyone else get in front of her.

Just after Leah got into line, the person standing behind her bumped into her, pushing her forward into the woman standing in front of her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry", Leah offered.

"It's no problem", the woman said, as she turned slightly around. The woman was fairly tall, but still about six inches shorter than Leah. She had medium-length auburn hair that was slightly covered with a beanie and large framed glasses. She had a collection of enamel pins on the strap of her messenger bag, including a nasty woman pin, and a wonder woman pin.

"My name's Leah", she said, holding out her hand and introducing herself to the intriguing stranger.

"I'm Devin", the woman said, turning around to shake Leah's hand. As she said this, their eyes met for the first time.

Suddenly, everything that Leah thought she knew was forgotten. Everything she thought she knew about herself and the word was changed in an instant. But Leah was fine with it, happy with it even. This woman, Devin, was destined to have immense import in her life. She wasn't sure how just yet, but Leah knew that nothing would ever be the same as it was before. It was a moment of liberation. She was finally free from the last vestiges of her life before she was a part of the pack. Leah paused, in realization of what had just happened, and the significance of it.

"Nice to meet you", Leah said, trying to recover from the long stare at Devin.

"You too", Devin said sincerely, blushing under Leah's gaze.

"I can help whose next!", the barista called out, beckoning Devin over.

Devin walked up to the counter to order.

"I'll have a medium latte with almond milk, please", Devin ordered. Leah knew that this was her chance. It was now or never, she couldn't let Devin slip out of her life.

"Make that two", Leah said, walking up to the counter and handing the barista her card.

"Wow, thanks", Devin said to Leah gratefully.

The two chatted as they were waiting for their coffee. Devin was studying mass communications at Seattle Pacific University. She had grown up in Seattle and lived there her whole life. She was only about a year older than Leah.

"Two medium lattes, almond milk!", the second barista announced as their drinks were ready.

"Hey, do you want to sit with me? It's the least I can do to thank you for buying my morning fix", Devin asked Leah.

"That'd be nice. I don't want to infringe on your plans, though", Leah answered.

"Oh, no worries. I planned on reading the Times, but I can do that later. So what brings you to Seattle from La Push", Devin inquired, interestedly.

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