Here Goes Nothing... - Edited

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Chapter One

Today was the beginning of the end for one young girl forced to travel the world alone, unable to put her trust into anything or anyone due to the fear of the more than likely deadly consequences.

It was her first day at Riverdale High, a high school in the middle of nowhere.

This symbol of normalcy could be the only possible escape from the hunters, the very same hunters who had come after Caelia for the first time nearly 400 years ago. Being on the run for that long of a period of time can physically and emotionally drain someone as injured as Caelia, a young girl with no idea if her family live or die even to this very day. Not once in that time has she stepped into the ocean, no matter how much she could feel the pull or hear it calling out to her. Not once in that time has she so much as uttered a single word, no matter how much she longed to sing and let her melodic voice reach out to her people to heal, comfort and sooth their wounded hearts. Doing that would surely fetch the hunters straight to her and, by doing that, it would not only endanger herself, but every single inhabitant of the ocean as well as any mortal unlucky enough to be within a 100 mile radius. The vicious hunters don't care who they hurt, all they care about is hurting innocent people whose only crimes were the stereotypes placed on them by others who were simply jealous of what they had compared to what they had to steal and plunder.

400 years of the same old routine was what Caelia had been facing. Waking, eating, running, sleeping. This time however, the hunters had finally pushed her over the edge. She made a decision that would surely fetch this game to its end, she was staying here and attending high school, Riverdale High to be precise. Why is she attending when it isn't safe could be one question, but, the only thoughts running through the head of the young and extremely vulnerable girl was that this could be the last place on the entire Earth they would expect her to go. They would expect her to hide in an overcrowded, overpopulated city where it was easily possible for her to get lost in the crowd rather than a small town in the middle of nowhere with absolutely no tourist attractions. She wanted them to find her though, because, no longer is she the scared girl who ran away from a sticky situation, she is a woman more than capable of taking care of herself and those that she could possibly grow to love.

It was only while she was thinking about the good memories that she had with her ordinary loving family when the semblance of a smile was visible on her face and she was able to drag herself out of bed to get ready to face this torturous day of mockery for things some creatures just aren't able to understand. Not wanting to stand out, she slipped on some white, high-waisted shorts and a burgundy off the shoulder crop top. Just because she had been on the run for 400 years does not mean that she was totally oblivious to the inner-workings of high-school, such as the cliques targeting those who do not conform with the socially accepted idea of 'beautiful'. Caelia did not want to be a bully nor one of the bullied, she did not have a cruel enough heart to hurt an innocent but nor is she able to take the pain of being hurt by those who know nothing about her. Her decision was simple, don't stand out just blend in.

Grabbing an apple for the way, she threw on her new burgundy high-top converse and white beanie before she walked out of her house, which while being small was also extremely cozy, making sure to lock the door on the way out. After all, she couldn't afford any unfortunate accidents to happen while she was away learning and observing. Checking the time, 7:45, Caelia ran to her garage and, grabbing a set of car keys, hopped in her beloved lamborghini. She didn't know if it would be a little too conspicuous even though tonnes of teenagers have beautiful cars these days.

Hopping into the car, she noted the time and instinctively switched on the radio, even though she knew deep down that she could not truly enjoy the experience of listening to the radio considering she could not sing herself - not out loud at least. The view from her cosy little house may not be very spectacular but the view driving down the little roads to the town was amazing with green trees and fields in all directions, it was nothing like the big cities with their skyscrapers Caelia was used to. It was something much more breathtakingly, something that appealed to her connection with nature in its' purest form.

Before she knew it, her car was pulling into the car park and was coincidentally receiving glances from both males and females alike. Looks of scorn and instantaneous hatred from the females and looks of admiration and lust from the males encompassed her and the car, forcing her to admit to herself that perhaps enrolling in high school was not one of the smartest decisions she could have made.

Rolling her turquoise eyes and switching off the calming purr of a good engine, she took her first step onto school grounds with her head held high and her designer sunglasses gracing her face to face a new day and a new reality; one which could perhaps shape her future and destiny...

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