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Frank jumped down from his horse and walked slowly toward the small girl, she had Olive skin, raven black hair and was dressed in a grey sack like dress "Hello there little one, do you have a name?" he spoke gently as he sat down beside the girl. She didn't reply she just looked a little scared "Its alright Darlin, neither me nor these men mean you any you have a Pappy?"

The young girl shook her head and Frank touched her shoulder "Well neither did I, but I'd like to change that for you. Would you let me be your Pappy? I promise to take care of you, protect you, I don't ever beat ya or do you wrong...?"

The small girl didn't speak she simply stood up and hugged Frank's neck. Little did he realise at the time that this girl would grow to be hos most prized possession.

Not only that she would also grow to he his biggest flaw...


10 Years Later...

"Elena come here darling I'd like you to say hello to your new brother...this is Roy Goode...Roy This is my daughter Elena..." Frank spoke confidently as he watched Roy eying the young woman.

"Hello Roy, nice to meet ya" Elena hesitated, before moving forward to hug Roy "Welcome to the family"


Roy stood aside and watched in awe as this beautiful woman stood and shot eat glass bottle. Each single shot was faultless, effortless...

It has been 9 years since Frank found Roy and during those 9 years Frank had taught him alot, how to hunt, how to shoot, how to truly know horses...but mainly Frank had taught him how it felt to be a part of a family again.

Roy had spent the last 9 years treating Frank as a father and the other men as his brothers, but however hard he tried he couldn't treat Elena as a sister.

Although his love for her ran deep, Roy realised from an earlier age that he could never see her as a sister. And Elena would never call him brother...

It was becoming dark as Roy and Elena headed out into the wilderness, Frank had allowed them to go night hunting...little did he realise both Elena and Roy had something else on their minds.

Elena took hold of Roy's hand as the camp disappeared out of view, Roy stopped still and pulled Elena close to him and kissed her passionately "I've been aching to do that all day" Roy inhaled as Elena pushed him back into a tree and kissed him again.

"I've wanted to do alot more than that" Elena bit her lip and Roy lifted her dress high so he could use her thighs to lift her off the ground and laid her backwards.

"Christ Elena, you'll get me shot" Roy sighed as he began to remove Elena's under garments. Elena quickly helped him with his own. Before long she was sat above him grinding on him, a small piece of ecstasy for the young lovers...


Elena had an idea what was on these two men's minds as soon as the older one of the two started touching her hair. Elena had left the camp without a gun, a move she realised was incredibly foolish.

Elena swallowed hard as she felt the other man run his fingers down her chest and back up and around her collarbone. Her heart pounded as Elena had only ever known one man's touch, she had only ever allowed one man "Aren't you a pretty thing?" one of the men hissed as he lunged forwards.

"I'm going to take you right here, and the he is going to take you and when we're finished we will let our horses have a turn" the man scoffed.

Suddenly Elena tried to fight, she was hit across the face and knocked down to the ground "You'll regret that you dirty little whore..." the man lifted her petticoat and began pulling at her under garments.

"No" Elena screamed.

Suddenly a gun shot fired and the man on top of Elena fell to one side, the other man looked around before too being shot. Elena could hear the thunder of hooves pounding against the dirt.

"Ellie" A familiar voice cried out, the horse halted close to Elena and she heard someone jump down. Elena didn't move, she couldn't...but she also didn't hesitate when she felt familiar arms wrap around her.

Roy wrapped his whole body around Elena as she cried into him "Its alright, I'm here now" he soothed gently as he held her tightly. After a few moments, once Elena was a little calmer, Roy moved away a little. He cupped Elena's face in his hands and kissed her head "I'm gonna make you a promise Ellie, from this day forward no man will ever put his a hand on you again...I wanna take us away from here, from this life. I can't pretend to be your brother anymore..." Roy kissed Elena. She kissed him back almost immediately, the moment became a little intense and before they knew it they were both laid down in the dirt.

Little did they know their intimacy was being watched...

Little did they know their intimacy was being watched

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