Chapter Two

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Elena woke slowly to the sound of horses outside. She turned and saw Roy asleep beside her, without saying a word she got out of bed and walked towards the door "Ellie" Roy had woke up when she moved.

"Morning my love" Elena looked around "Where exactly are we?"

"A place called Le Belle" Roy replied as Ellie moved back and sat on the bed "Well on the outskirts of it at least"

"Our hostess?" Elena wondered and Roy smirked a little.

"Her name is Alice Fletcher, she lives here with her son and the old woman" Roy explained gently "She is an outcast from the rest of the town, although I don't know her story yet"

"What does she know of us?" Elena wondered and Roy hesitated "Roy?"

"Nothing, I didn't tell them nothing"

A gentle knock at the door caused them both to jump "What is it?" Elena frowned.

"I've made you some breakfast?" Alice called out through the door.

"Alright, Thank you" Elena replied.

Alice didn't linger, she simply nodded her head and left "Alright" she mumbled as she walked away.


Something in Elena's stomach twisted and she found herself being sick again for the second time. She headed back to the table where Roy, Alice and the old woman were sat. Alice's son, Trukki had already finished his breakfast.

As Elena sat slowly at the table, the old lady spoke a few words in her own language "What's she saying?" Elena asked Alice.

"She says how long have you known?" Roy sat forwards with a confused look on his face, he waited for Elena to reply but she couldn't speak "...about the child your with?"

"About the what, now?" Roy's eyes widened as he tried to process the information.

"I can't...I'm sorry" Elena stood quickly and rushed outside. Roy stood equally as quick and followed.

"Excuse me" he spoke politely, before rushing outside.

"Excuse me" he spoke politely, before rushing outside

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It wasn't difficult for Roy to spot Elena. She was stood leaning against the fence "Was she right?" Roy asked gently "The old lady...?"

Elena nodded gently "How long have you known?" Roy asked as he moved closer to his wife.

"Not long" Elena replied softly "I thought I was mistaken at first, but then things started to change and I got this sickness...i wanted to tell you but...i didn't know how"

"You can tell me anything, you know that" he moved some hair from his wife's face and pulled her closer with his hand in the small of her back.

"I know, I was just scared I guess" Elena frowned "This changes things"

"How?" Roy wondered what Elena meant.

"Running, Papa...Roy if he finds out I'm carrying your child...he'll kill us all" Elena had tears in her eyes.

"He ain't gonna find us Ellie" Roy gently wiped a tear from Elena's cheek "He don't know where we are and they don't know our real'll be alright, you trust me don't ya?"

"Of course I do" Elena looked up at Roy "With my life"

"I'll keep us safe I promise" Roy gently placed his hand in Elena's stomach and smiled "All of us" he then leant down and kissed her lips.



Roy and Elena walked back towards the camp, completely unaware of Frank's knowledge "I'm still a better shot" Elena laughed and as Roy moved closer a gun shot hit the ground beside him.

"That's close enough Son" Frank called out as both Roy and Elena looked on completely dumbstruck "Elena leave us"

"Fuck" Roy spoke in a whisper "He knows..."

"No he can't..." Elena sighed as she looked at her Papa.

"Leave us" Frank spoke a little more harshly. Elena shook her head much to Frank's fury.

"Its alright Ellie, do as your Papa says" Roy looked Ellie in the eyes "Meet me at the creek, at nightfall..." he whispered so no-one could here him.

"That goes for the rest of ya, head out" Frank yelled. The men didn't argue they all got up and rushed out of camp "It would seem we have some things to discuss..."

"Frank I..." Roy tried but Frank shut him down with a look.

"I brought you into my family, treated you like a son...I thought you would see her as your sister, protect her from harm" Frank seemed calmer as he spoke now.

"I'll always protect her" Roy tried but Frank silenced him again.

"No you won't, because you ain't gonna be here to do so" Frank looked at Roy as though he was looking through him "You are like a son to me, I have raised you to be so and that's why I am giving you this opportunity...any other man and that shot would have gone through your heart" Frank moved closer to Roy "You have no claim on her, do you understand? And if you try and take her with you then I'll hunt you both down and kill you both. Your love for her, is her death warrant..."


"They can sense fear" Elena spoke to Trukki as he tried to touch one of the wild horses. There were 12 altogether "Best thing to do is show them you ain't afraid..."

"But I am afraid" Trukki spoke nervously.

"You're an Indian ain't ya?" Elena smirked "Here let me show ya"

"Ellie" Roy looked up from the fence "Don't you be doing none of them circus tricks now will you, not in your condition"

Roy's comment infuriated Elena, just enough for her to prove to him that she can still ride a horse regardless of her condition.

Suddenly Alice and Iyovi stood up to watch also as Elena stood in the middle of the enclosure, one of the horse circled her over and over again. Elena closed her eyes and Trukki watched in amazement as she listened to the horses hooves pounding on the ground next to her.

"Will she be alright? That horse is moving pretty fast, she don't have a rope either" Alice was now stood beside Roy.

"She don't need a rope, she breaks them in a different way..." Roy leant on the fence as his wife continued to listen. Iyovi was also stood near the fence she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Elena reached her hand out and both Iyovi and Alice took a deep breath in. Trukki just continued to stare in astonishment as Elena pulled herself up onto the horses back while he was still galloping around her "I've never seen anything like that in my whole life" Alice gasped.

Iyovi spoke in her language and Roy glanced at Alice "She says your wife doesn't just know horses...she shares the same spirit. She couldn't see it until now, but she says, she's her mother's daughter"

"You know Ellie's Mama? Are you saying she has Paiute blood?" Roy wondered curiously. Alice translated Roy's words, Iyovi didn't speak she just nodded gently...

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