chapter 1

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" BakaBakaBakaBaka " : human talking
' BakaBakaBakaBaka ' : human thinking
BakaBakaBakaBaka :  telepathy.
' BakaBakaBakaBaka ' : yokai/spritual thing thingking
" BakaBakaBakaBaka " : yokai/spritual  thing talk normal.


When natsume wake up.

Natsume open his eyes slowly, dark. He blinking few times, adjusting with minim light surounding.

' Where am i? ' he though.
After he can see, his look around him. Try to know where he is now.

' hn... wasn't i walking home from school? How come i-... ah, that bird... yokai bird i think... to big for normal bird... why that bird suddenly attack me? Did that bird bring me here? ' natsume quick recall his last memory.
Silent and cold. He search his bag first, after he found it, right beside him. He try to garsp other thing with his hands. He touch something cold, hard and big.

' wall? ... stone wall? am i in cave? '
Natsume stand up. " great, i can move... " natsume say. Natsume just walk forward, his hand still at the wall, so he now if must stop before he crash the wall in front him.

After he walk a long time, he think, he can see more clearly with barely light.

' maybe at front there are the entrance? '
He walk after the light come from.

He walk closer to the entrance, he feel the wind. More closer he feel more tje wind blowing hard and cold.
Now, he stop walking because there already no more floor he can step it. Up, he see sky blue, so bright. He look down, he can see he is so far from the land.

" ... am i at a mountain? " he ask no one in particulary.

So you already wake Reiko

" !! " Natsume hear someone talk to him, but he don't see anyone around him.

Something landed right next to natsume, with blowing the wind hard. Natsume cover his face with his hands to his eyes.

Next him, stand the big bird from last time it attacked him.

" wha-! "

The big bird stand around 2,5 m (a.n okay... i'm not good when it come to imagine how tall something is because i can't count it)
Now face to face with Natsume.

Long time no see Reiko, i'm sorry to attack you. I fell i must do it because you seem's panicked.
The big bird talk directly to Natsume head without it mouth moving, or telepathy.

" ........ " Natsume to shock he cant even talk. The bird once more talk to Natsume, make Natsume out of his startle.

O, and gotten more cute nee... before you look beautiful and cool in same time, and fierce. And why how come now you're flat chested, dont you have D cu-
Natsume raise his hand, make the bird stop talking.

" a.. sorry, but i'm not Natsume Reiko " the big bird look like confused.
" I'm Natsume Takashi. Natsume Reiko grandchild "

Oops... sorry okay. So... she is dead... human are mortal after all... i forgot that. I'm so sorry i just blurted out there.

Natsume nodded. Telling he's fine with that.

I'm Sofutori from Kyöryüokitori family. Yoroshiku ne, Reiko no Mago.

Natsume sighed. He fell relived for awhile... Sofutori is not a threat.

" so... Sofutori-san in one of my grandma victim? And want to take back your name right? "

Ohoho, fortunenately i'm not.
the answer confuse natsume.

" eh? Then... why Sofutori-san brough me here? "

Sofutori became silent for a minute. Then Natsume see Sofutori smirking. Natsume feel something bad will happen.

Before Natsume make move, Sofutori moving fast. Natsume feel hurt again on his back. Sofutori attack Natsume again.

Natsume fell down under Sofutori. Before Natsume lost his conscious, he hear Sofutori talk to him.

It's for me to do, and for you to find out. Natsume Takashi. Now sleep. Next your wake, we continue our chat ne~

' uugh... sen.... sei ' Natsume black out.


meanwhile, Nyanko-sensei. 3 day after Natsume dissapearence

' Ano baka-Natsume!! Where he dissapear now!! '

Nyanko-sensei in his true form, now running as fast as he can out of the town, searching Natsume.

' He dissapear for two day!  Something is weird... '


Night time at Natsume home. Nyanko-sensei just came back after he drink out there. He came back a little drunk.
Usually now Natsume would yell at him, for coming with strong smell of alcohol. But, nothing happen. Nyanko-sensei stay for sometime. Still no Natsume. Nyanko-sensei come down stair see Natsume step parents still up. He hear that Natsume step mother worried that her son ( Natsume ) not came back home at all today. Natsume step father there try to reasuring his waife, that's all are fine. But it's vain. His waife become more worried.

' Weird, Natsume not come back? Without telling his step parents where he is '

Nyanko-sensei then go out search Natsume.

After few hours. Nyanko-sensei can't find Natsume. It's near morning time. Now he stay silent, thingking, at near the forest, a shortcut from his house to his school.

Can't found anything, Nyanko-sensei moved. See if Natsume at that Tanuma shrine.

When he arrived. He see the bald monk, Kaname Tanuma father, sweeping shrine yard. And next minute, he see Kaname Takuma came out ready with his uniform to go to school early.

Tanuma notice the cat like pig *nyanko-sensei paw punch him*

He greet nyanko-sensei, then chat awhile. Before nyanko-sensei ask whereabout Natsume. Outcome in vain bacause even Tanuma doesn't knew it too.

Tanuma shocked to hear dissaperance of his first friend. Tanuma then want to join searching Natsume too, but declined by Nyanko-sensei.

Nyanko-sensei just ask Tanuma to help him ( who transform to natsume ) make Natsume step parents not worried and to  look out if he see Natsume at school. Tanuma then agreed.

After that. Tanuma go to school, Nyanko-sensei back to his cat form and go to make gathering all yokai in area, including Natsume yokai friends ( Hinoe, Benio, Misuzu, chuukyu A & B, kappa, exc ).

Skip, after school

Nyanko- sensei meet Tanuma, then Tanuma reporting didn't see Natsume at school.
That make Nyanko-sensei feeling bad. He came back to a place where the gathering of the yokai that area.

The second gathering chuukyu A & B informing that they find some clue from other lower class yokai.
They say, they see Natsume get attacked and kidnapped.

That make all Natsume yokai friend angered. Nyanko-sensei too, but he can control his emotion right there. Then they discussed. They then agreed to make quest looking for the kidnapped Natsume.

Before that, Nyanko-sensei ordering Benio, yokai that can transform to natsume, to take natsume absence till they came back after rescuing Natsume.

Yokais that join to search and rescue Natsume is all Natsume yokai friends ( except Benio and the lower class yokai )

They go and split up out of the town. They will contacted each other if they find whereabouts Natsume.

Flashback end


I'm sorry for my slow update... because now i have final test...
I'm screwed up befooore... i'm making mistake that make me blank...

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