chapter 2

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" BakaBakaBakaBaka " : human talking
' BakaBakaBakaBaka ' : human thinking
BakaBakaBakaBaka :  telepathy.
' BakaBakaBakaBaka ' : yokai/spritual thing thingking
" BakaBakaBakaBaka " : yokai/spritual  thing talk normal.

Next time Natsume wake. He feel blown quit hard by the wind. He feel cold. And now he just aware. He facing down seeing land far down him. Down, he see night light from a city he don't know where he is. Now is night time. His body is in big bird claw. His face was paled.

' what the-!!? Ah... i'm in Sofutori grasp now... kh... i take back when i think before. He is the one that make me feel in danger... what must i do now!? ' Natsume think.

Sofutori felt his prey was moving, meaning he wake up just now.

Ooo, you're a light sleeper human. Ne, the grandchild of Reiko. I though i can make you sleep till we arrived at my masters palace.

" HUH, like i can sleep nicely. When you bring me like i'm a dead prey " Natsume retort to Sofutori.

Sofutori laught at Natsume.
Good, now i wont flying boredly when we can chatting each other ne~ Takashi-kun

" like i want that " Natsume struggle in Sofutori claws. He get many scratch wound there.

Sofutori claws are big and hard to break out.
What!? Hey, stop or you fall-

But, Sofutori didn't hold his claws hard enough. Make Natsume can released from it.
And Natsume free falling.

Sofutori try to catch him, but Natsume throwing his kick to Sofutori. Sofutori can't catch him.

' i will report to Yuuzayan-sama first '
Sofutori think. Then Sofutori fly back to his way back.

Natsume hear what Sofutori shout. He glaring at the big bird that fly away.  He closed his eyes, hope he can survive this fall. He open his eyes the see what down him.
' i'm nearing the ground, At this rate i will die '
He think. His face get more paled. Next thing he know, he fainted while still falling. Didn't knowing that he was fall right to a big, thick blooming sakura tree.


Moon above shining brightly. In Ukiyoe town at a sakura tree in front of a house (very very big for a normal house) someone resting at the highest branch of the sakura tree...

Night Nura Rikuo (the ikemen one) sat alone, viewing ukiyoe town at night.

Night Nura Rikuo (the ikemen one) sat alone, viewing ukiyoe town at night

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Under sakura tree, 3 Rikuo guards watching their master.


( from here night rikuo gonna called yoru )
" Rikuo-sama...? " A girl one of the Rikuo guards asking.

" Nothing Tsurara... i just... fell empty...  " say Yoru with his eyes closed.

" Then why don't you join drinking party in there Rikuo-sama? " Ask a male with long straigh black hair, Kurotabou.

" Yeah, and there Kubinashi already drop out *chukle* " add Aotabou, big body male with spiky pale blue hair (?).

" ... no... don't feel like it now " answer Yoru... with that they are in silent once again.

After that... the 3 guard dismiss them self. Tsurara go to kichen to see if she can help in there. Then, Aotabou and Kurotabou go out to patroling around.

Yoru left alone.

He close his eyes, entering his mind, to meet and talk to his human persona, Rikuo.

In Rikuo and Yoru mindset

Yoru in his mind like when at the outer, he sat at the sakura tree branch. Right bellow him, Rikuo sat relax and started talking to each other.

" ne, Yoru. Before, you say you feel empty right... can i ask why? "

It same like yours "

" same? Really? Because the nearing war, our friends are bussy. Yura-chan and her brother go to tokyo, our human friends didn't know anything, and our yokai friends are there but they're quit nervous the nearing war "

" hn, else than empty. We both feel loathed, wrath, to our enemy. After all. We're one "

"You're right... "

Then they became silent. after Sometime, they both feel something from outer.

Out of Rikuo and Yoru mindset

Yoru open his eyes. He felt something off.

He look at the sky, he see something human size free falling right above him.

want to move out to dodge, but it to late.



" Gaah!!... ugh... " Yoru groaning after falling quit high from Highest branch the sakura tree.

Tsurara run out to his master and see what happen.

" Rikuo-sama! "

With Karasu-Tengu, Kubinashi (awake after hear the comotion) Kejoro and the other yokai that alerted, thinking they're was under attack.

" Rikuo-sama! what happen! " ask Kubinashi in alerted tone.

" Rikuo-sama, are you okay? " Kejoro and Tsurara step beside Rikuou.

" Ouch... i... i'm kay... but... what is this, fall right onto me " Yoru say.

Everyone see something.... or someone in Yoru lap.

" ................................................................. "

' WHO!!!?? ' They though the same.

Okay, done... for you who already read this chap before editted, better you read it again, cuz i added some scene to improve it. How is it? Comment down after it 'kay... if i make some mistake... please correct me.

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