chapter 4

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" BakaBakaBakaBaka " : human talking
' BakaBakaBakaBaka ' : human thinking
BakaBakaBakaBaka : telepathy.
' BakaBakaBakaBaka ' : yokai/spritual thing thingking
" BakaBakaBakaBaka " : yokai/spritual thing talk normal.

In a silent moment, while Natsume can maintain his composure again.

" Rikuo-sama, Rikuo-sama " Tsurara calling.

Rikuo turn his head to Tsurara,

" we're gonna late... it's nearly 8 a.m "

Rikuo paled
" OH NO!! "
Then he run go to his room, changing his clothing to his uniform, get his bag, go grab a bread on the kitchen, then back to where natsume room.

" gomen Natsume-san! I must go now. You can stay here till Zen come and help with your wounds. O, and if you need anything just tell someone or some youkai around okay... " after saying that, Rikuo run while passing his grandpa and telling him going to school. Tsurara and Aotabou chassing Rikuo.

Nura Rihyon, Rikuo Grandpa, just laughing at Rikuo. Then he walk in Natsume room. Other yokai see him, then greet him in respect.

Nura Rihyon just greet them back. Then greet Natsume.
" ohayo shounen, how do you feel? Wanna candy? " ask Nura Rihyon while taking out candy jar.

Natsume sweetdrop. Nura Rihyon treat Natsume like a child. But, he just noded after Nura Rihyon put some candy in Natsume hand.
" Arigato, etto... "

" i'm Nura Rihyon, Rikuo Grandfather. Just call me Jii-san ne~ " Nura Rihyon introduce him self, other yokai protest, say ' it's impolite to call- respect him- he is the first- '

Natsume don't understand,
' the first? What did it mean? '

" Hahaha " Rihyon just laugh again. But then... he use a little glare to intimidate other.
" can i have alone time with this shounen? I need to talk to him "

Even Natsume can feel the pressure from Rihyon even not directed to him, Natsume trembled.
' w-wha!? What this!? Is this from Nura Jii-san? '

Other yokai fled from the room, leaving Nura Rihyon alone with Natsume.

" now, i can ask you smoothly, without being cut by them "

Seeing Natsume not hear what he say, Nura Rihyon pat Natsume Shoulder.
" aww, dont be afraid shounen, i wont going to bite or eat you. I just want to ask something to clarify my guess "

*skip time~ after lunch*

Natsume get breakfast and lunch, in the room. after Talking with Nura Rihyon, he left Natsume alone.

Kejouro ( she and some other yokai already tell their name ) Bring the food for him, and chat for a short time. And there Kubinashi, he is looking after Natsume, still suspect Natsume as an enemy.

Now, Natsume just lying down. Wait this 'Zen' guy supossed to check his wound.

Suddenly, someone open his room door harshly. There Natsume see a man looks like his near twenty, with really short ash hair.

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