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The silver eyed hitman stands up from the floor to adore his masterpiece; wiping a sweat in his forehead with his bloody white sleeves. His bloody gloved fingers hooks the edge of his mask then slide it down his chin, revealing his thin chapped lips; his tongue running from left to right between his lips.

He kicked his victim's ribs to check if they were still alive. The man's fingers quavered unconciously reaching out for something; Tord's instinct kicked in. He kicked the man's back abruptly, receiving a grunt from the man before Tord aimed at the back at his head, pulling the trigger without hesitation in one sharp motion.

The hitman glances at the man's counterpart. He shot her between the eyebrows, not even caring to check if she was already dead.

"Did you kill them?"

The deep voice asked through the hitman's earpiece. The norski presses his index on the button of the earpiece for the speaker.

"Hello to you too, Eduardo."Tord greeted sarcastically.

"And yes. Why'd you assign me to kill them, anyway?"Tord asked as he let his high tech contact lenses—which he was still new to—scan the room to make sure he didn't leave a trace.

"Didn't you read the files, idiot?"

Tord's felt cold blood rose from his feet by the name he was given. He closed his eyes tightly to let himself remained calm; he pulled his sleeves. "...yes, I did."He sighed.

"Are you the loan shark that the files had mentioned?"

The norski asked as he opened his briefcase, followed by a clicking sound. He returned the gun on its original place before pulling out a different gun but it was inside a plastic zip lock bag, labeled 'Eduardo's Fingerprint'.

"...Yes. Now, shut up and get out of there."Eduardo sighed in annoyance.

He felt the familiar feeling ran up his veins again, this time he embraced it. "Sure. And just a friendly reminder--"The norski lowers his voice.

"Not only I kill people I am assigned to assassinate, I also kill people who pisses me off. That includes you. I can kill you if I want. Dra til helvete."

Tord deepened his voice more at the last part before removing the earpiece. He looked at the object in his palm before crushing it with his bare hand.

"Jaevla drittsekk."Tord mumbled in norwegian as he put the pieces in an empty zip lock bag. He slid on a rubber glove; he grabs the gun then threw it somewhere around the crime scene.

He closed his briefcase then held it by the strap, heading towards the same window he entered. Tord hopped on the window sill then freezes abruptly, hearing a sudden shuffle behind him.

He jerked his head towards the noise, then his gaze landed on a sleeping baby lying in a supine position on a blue blanket only—which looked uncomfortable, there was no pillow to support their head, the baby only had a brown stuffed bear by his side. Despite having an uncomfortable bed, the baby looked peaceful in their sleep.

Tord raised an eyebrow. 'I shot bullets 2 times. It's still asleep?'. He approached the baby soundlessly. 'Holy shit-- what if it's dead?'

He reached his hand out for the baby but retreated his hand back when the baby's eyes abruptly opened.

It was the most extraordinary eyes Tord has ever seen.

They were fully black. Like eyesockets. He figured it wasn't since the night light outside the window illuminated his black eyes. They looked so beautiful with the light shining through the glass. "Woah..."Tord uttered, captivated by the beautiful feature the baby had.

Tord was even more surprise when the baby didn't cry. Instead, they smiled cutely when they held out they're hand for Tord's touch. Tord brought his face more closer; their small chubby fingers cupped Tord's face then a small giggle escaped their lips.


Tord aknowledged the scar on their cheek; he traced the scar with his thumb. Then it finally occured to him.

"You must had shitty parents too, huh..."

Tord's smiled weakly, feeling emphaty for the baby. He also was abused by both his parents. Tord graduated in a military school and trained as an assassin afterwards; he killed his parents after.

He nuzzled his nose on the baby's neck receiving a cute giggle from the baby.

Police sirens started to echo through the silent streets while black and red lights spins around the dark houses, heading towards Tord's location.

"Fæn, fæn, FÆN."The norski uttered looking out the window then back at the baby relucantly; uncertain wether if he should leave the baby or take him. Police cars were already parked outside the house.

Tord didn't think twice; he scooped the baby in his arms along with the stuffed bear.

Tord hopped on the window sill with one leg then boosted himself up high. He landed on the ground with a thud then took off inconspicuously, holding the baby close to his chest.

"They didn't give me away..."

"You killed them... Didn't you?"


Also i changed the book cover if you dont mind :3 anyway, for the requests again... Im sorry but i dont have my phone yet ;-; IM REALLY SORRY ;-; ;-; ;-; ya'll probably annoyed that i keep apologizing but I MEAN IT IM VERY SORRY I NEVER SHOULDVE ASKS FOR REQEUSTS


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