POV Betty Cooper

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Dear diary,

I don't get it. Why did we move to a town like Riverdale? I already know that everything here sucks and the people here suck even more. I went out of the house today to the park. I sat on a bench for several hours, watching every single person who came to the park. All of them had one thing in common: A fake smile. They pretended like everything was okay and perfect and smiled/waved to every one they walked into. I lost count of how many people came to sit next to me, trying to start a conversation. Every time someone did that I just looked away. I don't like people, definitely not this kind of people. Only one guy did catch my eye, he was different. He wore a beanie, with one stray of black hear coming out of it, he had green eyes and didn't care what people thought of him. He walked into the park smoking a cigarette, normally I hate it when people do that, but when he did it he looked hot. I know I stared to him the whole time he was in the park, which wasn't that long because he was gone before I knew it.  That guy seems like the only person in this town I would like to talk to, but when he noticed I was looking at him. He rolled his eyes to me and walked out of the park, just like every one else he must have thought I was too ugly for a guy like him. A few moments after he left I also left, back "home". I saw the beautiful lights coming from our house, the place looked cozy and like there lived a wonderful family. Well believe me it is far from that, I opened the front door and already heard the screaming and breaking glass from inside. Dad was always drunk, I don't remember a day without him being drunk since his brother died; Clifford Blossom. They were each others best friends and like most brothers always there for each other. Clifford blossom died with his wife Penelope Blossom and his son Jason Blossom in a car accident, only their daughter Cheryl Blossom survived. Cheryl and Jason were twins, I never met them. Okay so I was walking into the house and said: "I'm home!". Not that I would get a response or something like that, but you never know right? I immediately went upstairs to my new room. So that's where we are now, me writing in my new diary. This actually is the first time ever I have a diary and I thought you know what, I'm gonna use it. New town, new start. Tomorrow is the first day of school after summer break, I will be going to Riverdale high school. This year I'm not going to make the same mistakes as last year, that means I won't make any friends at this school. You may be thinking: why? Well last year I was kind of popular at my old school, everyone knew me and every guy wanted to get into my pants. My best friend was called: Grace. We shared everything with each other, one day I showed her a video I made 1 year ago. I was singing and acting, there also was a part where I confirmed some dark secrets, the worst things I did to people at our school like spreading the nudes from Jessica (a friend of mine), and hooking up with Sophia's boyfriend (also a friend of mine) and the worst part of that video was that I filmed it when I wore no make-up and I was only in my bra. It was the most embarrassing video ever! It was like a diary where I literally told all my secrets... She had sent the video to her phone while I was on the toilet, I didn't know she had the video. The next day I came to school and everyone had seen the video. Everyone called me a whore and I had no friends left, the title from the video was: Who is UGLY Betty really? It was on YouTube and had hit already 20.000 views. My life was over after that day, everyday someone would call me a whore or ugly and that's why I'm not going to make any friends at this school. If I won't have them, they can't hurt me like Grace did. I hear my mom screaming from downstairs that dinner is ready. So let's go back to my wonderful family...

x Betty

While I was going downstairs I heard my dad cursing and making comments about every one who was already in the dinner room. Dinner was always much fun in our family, joking. Chic and Polly already sat around the table, mom was still serving the table and dad also sat at his special place around the table. Dad always sat at the head of the table, Chic and Polly on his left side and me and mom at his right side. If we didn't sit at the place where we were supposed to sit he would scream at us and slap the person who was closest to him. Because I still had to go to school he never slapped me in the face, only on my arms, legs, stomach, back etc. That where places I could hide by covering my body with clothes. I never wear shorts or T shirts, in summer people always look weird to me and ask me if I'm okay. I also never go to a swimming pool or stuff like that.  This time no one got slapped and we ate our food in silence. Afterwards I immediately went upstairs again. 

I sat in my bed and looked out of the window, then I heard a noise. By the sound of the steps I knew it was Polly and she came silently into my room. Most nights she comes to my room or I go to her room, we talk about a lot and almost always fall asleep while we are talking. That way we feel more safe and we always have each other when dad comes in my bedroom or Polly's bedroom. 

The next morning I woke up scared, scared of the new school, scared of my dad, scared of what comments people are going to make now, scared of almost everything. So I made a decision; I am going to act like I'm a emo bitch who doesn't care about anything or anyone. That way no one even wants to be friends with me, or at least that's what I hope for... 

I went downstairs, luckily dad was already gone to work. Mom sat in her morning robe on a chair drinking some coffee. "Good morning mom." "Good morning Betty are you excited to go to a new school? To have a new start?" Mom always acted like everything was fine in our family, but of course it isn't. "Well very excited! I can't wait..." I said with sarcasm. I grabbed a cup of coffee and some bread, we sat silently at the table. I hated the fact mom never said something to dad, she just let him hit her. Most of the time I feel like she doesn't even care. I also know for sure she knows Chic is a drug addict, but she hasn't done anything about it. That's why my dad even ruined the relationship with my mother. When I finished eating and drinking coffee I went upstairs again. I put on some make-up and my clothes. I wore a black outfit, black is the color that matched the personality I wanted to claim at school the best. So I wore black jeans, with my black all stars and a black sweater. Downstairs I grabbed my bag and my coat and I went to school. Our house wasn't that far from school and I was able to walk there. 

The moment I saw Riverdale high school I already knew that this year was going to be a mess. I walked into the school and already saw the groups, there were popular ones, the sing group I think they were called the pussycats, the "normal" ones, the sport group and I saw some outsiders. I walked further and noticed everyone was looking at me, I tried freaking hard not to make any eye contact and to just keep walking. Until someone stood right before me and wouldn't let me pass her. I looked up and saw something familiar in the face from this person, I also noticed the girl behind her, her "followers". Immediately I knew this girl was popular and she reminded me of the old me. "I haven't seen you here before, who are you?" "No that's right, who's asking?" "Well listen closely because the name I'm going to tell you right now is one to remember, I'm Cheryl Blossom and the girls behind me are Cheryl 2 and Cheryl 3." The minute I heard her name I was shocked, Blossom, as in Clifford Blossom, as in my niece, she kept talking but the world was spinning around and I couldn't hear anymore what she was even saying. That moment I just walked away, to the toilets. Well I thought I was, but like you know this was my first day here. I walked into the room I thought were toilets, and I was right. But... It definitely wasn't the one for girls.  My cheeks turned red and I just stood there looking back at all the boys looking at me.

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