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Jeon Jung Mi's pov :

4 Years Later

"I have a question sunbaenim"

The girl in her late teens, who was next in the line spoke, taking the seat in front of me. She had an excited smile on her face while handing me her book that she purchased to have my autograph.

"Of course, ask me anything"
I exclaimed with a pleasant smile.

"Is your book based on your own true experience?"

That question she asked, trapped me in a trance, which wanted to take me four years back of my life. I looked at the book; the book that turned my life upside down in a good way; the book which made me one of the most popular youngest authors in Korea that I possessed just after 5 months I published it; the story that I wanted to write just because it was an unsolved puzzle in my life.

'Imaginary Boyfriend'

I was still a third year university student when I publish my first ever book, which I never thought would be so popular among the young generation like this. And I've never had an idea to write a book but the mystery turned my thoughts and feelings into words. I never thought I would be a very popular author by this book like how I am right now. I just wrote it to release my stress. But still I don't know how everything happened.

2 years ago

Its been 2 years since the day I graduated from school. I was proud; proud of myself that I was a first year university student then, going through a lot of hardships and emotional pains. But hey, I was still alive.

Everyone whom I knew from school followed different paths while me and Min Hee could attend the Seoul university to study further in art. Well for Min Hee,it was Econ. Yeah she was really good at it in the high school. I felt really relieved since my best friend for about 7 years could come along the same path.

Jungkook still had one year left to graduate from school. I felt bad for him since all of his friends graduated the year I did. But still, he had Kunpimook with him.

Even if Min Hee's long term crush was Taehyung, I don't know how or when she started dating Jimin. Well, it was a little obvious for me from the beginning with all of these teasings that Jimin did to her.

But sad to tell that she had to let him go since he got an scholarship from the Aesthetic University in the UK to study further in ballet. It was such a bless for him as his future aim was to become a professional Bellarino.

But she never stopped him; instead she wished good luck for his future. And they didn't stop their relationship either that even now they talk with each other. I couldn't believe my own eyes, when one day I saw Taehyung in a Seoul fashion show that was live broadcasting on the TV. I didn't know he had become a professional model till I randomly found him on TV.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2019 ⏰

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