( y/n) P.O.V
~ time skip. EH! To new years eve.
You have been here for six months~One thing I noticed is that most of the servants are neko's and there aren't many humans. " What's that smell" one of the many demon actors yelled out "oh little human how many times have you stabbed your finger." One of the stage mangers asked me " s-s-seven times s-sir." I said " oh well that won't do now will it. Because some very important demons are here watching the show and we don't want them to smell human now do we?" She said to me in an angry tone of voice. "N-no we don't." I said. " Now... GET BACK TO WORK!" The demon yelled. So I did.
~ time skip to after the show🎫(^_-)-☆)
I was told that the show had ended and I could go and sweep the stage, the theater floor and the VIP area. The area with the seats and the VIP area were easier to do because they didn't have to much for me to sweep but I did not want to get in the way of the head of stage management and the other demons they were talking about.
I quickly and quietly ran up to the back of the stage and began to sweep, I slow made my way over to the front and there were the people that the head demon was talking like no about and she was talking to them. As I was sweeping there was a cup on stage from the play and I had hit the cup with the broom and it had rolled over to one of there shoe's. ' Oh... Oh no no no. Why did i do that.' I was afraid to go and grab the cup I was afraid over all, but I knew I had to get it, in my mind I just hoped that they didn't see it.
??? P.O.V
I felt something hit my foot. As I looked down to see what it was a little girl came running over and picked it up before I could see it. She began to run off to what she was doing before. "Little girl." I said and she look up at me "could you please tell me what the thi my was that hit my foot?" I said. "T-t-this i-it's just a c-cup an-d-d it won't h-h-happen again s-s-sir." She replied. I could tell she was afraid I could smell her fear but this kid looked different from the others, coming to think of it she does not have cat ears like the others do'Could she be human?' I asked myself.