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Brotherly Love:

It was pure silence in the car, you nor you eldest brother Shima chose to spoke. Though Shima knew a few words to say or rather yell.

You look out the window, wanting to say something, anything but you just couldn't. "We're home." Shima says pulling you out of your trance.

Wincing to yourself, you heard the door being slammed. Walking into your house, you clear your throat "Shima?" You call out.

Not saying a word, he throws you a side glance "I-I'm sorry." You stutter quietly. Nodding to your apology he takes a soda out of the fridge, seeing this as a sign to nothing you repeat yourself.

"Shima, I said I'm sorry."

"I know."

"Then say something."

Shima cracks open the soda, leaning on the kitchen counter. "What'dya want me to say to you? You're grounded?

"No. But I wanted to say I'm sorry." You frown.

Putting down his drink, Shima began to speak.

"I told you not to go to the party." He states.

"I know." You whisper.

"But you went." He continues on.

"I know." You emphasize.

"Then, you get shit faced. And some assholes hands are all over you!" He glowers.

You bit the inside of your cheeks out of frustration. "He's a great guy, I promise you Shi—"

Shima laughs darkly at this "right right...he's a great guy and you love him? You're sixteen years old (y/n)!" He says slightly raising his tone.

You clench your fist, stepping up to his level of anger.

"Why does my age matter that much? I care for him and he cares for me! I'm sorry you had to see me in that light but I don't regret being with him!"

"You can't see him anymore." Shima finally confirms, walking past you he has nothing else to say.

You stand there moth wide open shocked at his words. "You can't do that!" You shout.

Shima turns around, arms crossed "(y/n) you're still a kid. You have no business going to a senior party drinking and messing around with a Junior!"

"I make one mistake and you don't trust me?"

"Look, you're not allowed to see him anymore and that's final."




Standing your ground, you wouldn't let Shima stop you from seeing the guy you care about. It wasn't love you felt but it was starting to feel like it more and more.

Rubbing his temples in exasperation and after minutes of silence, the male pinkette puts his hands up as if he were surrendering.

"Fine. You want to drink all the time now, running around with a stupid delinquent? So be it. I don't care." He waves off.

The feeling in your chest starts to burn and your eyes well up. Giving you one last hard stare Shima says one last thing: "don't come crying to me saying I told you so."

Walking up the steps, Shima slammed his door, lying in bed, his mind racing wondering if he said the right thing.

Back downstairs, you cry not knowing he'd say that to you.

"I don't care"

The three words rang in your ears the entire night. "He doesn't care?" You mumble.

"Then why do I?"

Part one of two.


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