|| The Hamiltons ||

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I had changed into a quite casual and comfortable outfit. (A/N: not good at describing outfits so just look at the pic)

I was nervous because i barely talk to anyone except for my online friend. I talk to her everyday and I've been her friend since I was 14. We share everything with eachother, our hates, our interests. everything.

I'm anxious as heck, and when I'm anxious. I talk to her.

I open a tab on my laptop for skype.

"Hey Theo."

"hey (Y/N.) you alright? you seem to be shaking"

"oh. yea, im just nervous. my dad invited the hamiltons over. And they apparently have a son that is really flirty."

"girl. you got this! dont you worry. Just be yourself. And if he tries to get with you. Then ignore him or do what you do best. piss the guy off."

"yea but what if I like him!! What if everything turns out terrible.."

"I mean, how can someone not be attracted to you. you're the most beautiful person I know. Maybe give him a chance, if you keep on rejecting guys... then you wont ever have to chanced to be loved as much as Daisy. Give him a shot. Hey, what if he's that guy you ran into yesterday! even better, right?"

"haha, yea. i guess i have nothing to worry about. love ya Theo"

"Love you too, Y/N. you're gonna rock this, I know it."



I hung up feeling as confident as ever. Without Theodosia, I'd be useless. She's  helped me with so much and I love her so much. I'm lucky to be her friend.

I looked in the mirror, and brushed my hair, then braiding my hair into 2 braided pigtails. And then I added a slight touch of mascara and lip gloss.

Sure, I had a bit of acne. But that's normal. Theo told me I shouldn't put that much makeup on so I stopped wearing concealer and foundation and it actually helped decrease the amount of acne I was getting. She said that I still look beautiful with acne or without, but sometimes I feel a little insecure, but I was feeling confident today. I didn't need much makeup.

"Y/N! the Hamiltons are here!"                                                                                                                                         My father yelled.

I rushed downstairs, and the boy I had seen the other day, was there, looking around. Then I caught his eye.

"Y/N. This is Philip Hamilton. Philip. This is Y/N Laurens, my daughter." my father introduced us.

"oh. h-hello Philip. Thank you for yesterday, you really didn't have to return my purse."

"Oh, Its fine. that was nothing, now y/n... you look very nice today."

I blush.

"Well, I'm flattered. I didn't expect anyone to ever compliment me.. you look wonderful today as well, sir." I reply.

"Drop the sir, Y/N. maybe we can have some fun later~" He lifts my chin.

I blush even redder then before.

"I was only joking, Y/N"

"oh, thank god. you do NOT want to see me pissed. holy fuck its scary even ask my dad he's seen me around other players. oh god, I'm so sorry. I did not just mean to call you a player. It's just that my dad told me something and-"

"shhhh. dont worry. I can be a player at times, but... you seem different."

"hm? I thought my dad told me to stay away from players like you."

"yes but our parents want us to be friends. That's so BORRRRINGGG. you don't want to rush ahead?"

"nah im fine with just being friends."

"you're such a tease."

"No, I'm not!"

"come on, girl. look at your curves, god. any man would die to be with you."

"As if."

"you'll get nowhere if you keep playing hard to get like this."

I sit at the dinner table. My father had prepared pasta. my favourite. But I can't stop thinking about Philip... his freckles.. everything about him... I think I'm madly in love.. but how can i tell him... If I could tell him.

But I can't.

I sit there, playing with my fork, barely eating. I tear up.

As if he'll ever truly like me. He barely knows me. And when he gets to know me.. he'll never want to see me again.

tears fall from my eyes, dripping down my cheeks as i look down at my feet in shame.

I'm in love but I feel like I'll never be loved.

Hey it's Justine. Finished writing this chapter, anyways, I've decided I'm just going to publish these chapters today. Hoped you like the chapter!! Byyeeee!!!!!

Young and Beautiful. // Philip Hamilton X Reader Where stories live. Discover now