He Lied

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The following weeks were amazing. Incredible. Full of everything you’d been lacking for the first half of your life. It was full of love, sunshine, freedom, emotions you couldn’t fully understand, and fun. Leo told you about things he’d seen in the world, which he also promised to take you to when you turned eighteen. He promised to take you away from your restricting father. You’d take a bunch of money and run away to discover the world together. It was heaven on earth.

But then his grandmother died.

He grew distant. You would go days without seeing him. He felt it was his fault, he felt he had spent too much time with you, he should have been caring for his grandmother.

“Leo, please call me back, we need to talk.” Your voice cracked as you left a message on his phone with the phone he bought you. It had been three days without any word from him. “I love you.” You hung up and slung the phone on your bed as the tears fell. You didn’t just lose Marie, you lost Leo. He was your best friend. The distance between you was greater than light years. It hurt so bad you felt crippled. You spent days in your room

One day your father came into your room with the biggest smile on his face. “(Y/N), you’ve been accepted.” He beamed, tossing a letter onto your bed. You stood from your computer and picked up the neat piece of paper. It was an acceptance letter to the college you’d applied to a few months ago in Europe. You had totally forgotten about it.

“Jesus Christ.” You said out loud as you sat on your bed in shock. You really didn’t think you’d be accepted, this college was incredibly hard to get in to. One out of a hundred applicants were accepted. “I, I have to think about this.”

“Of course, take your time, it is a huge decision.” He nodded with the same bright smile on his face. “Here, I have something for you. A gift for the occasion.” He pulled out a small velvet box from his pocket.

You took it with a smile, opening it to see a simple pearl ring. It matched your necklace and earrings. “Thank you!” You smiled up at him and he nodded, crossing his arms. You slipped it on your left middle finger where it fit perfectly. “Oh wow. It feels so smooth.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

“Hey…” Followed by an awkward knock. You and your father both looked to your open door. It was Leo. Your heart lept and you folded the letter up, tucking it under your laptop. He looked better than the last time you saw him. He no longer had dark circles under his eyes.

“Hi.” Your father said, surprised. “I haven’t seen you in a while.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry. Life’s been tough since, you know.” He pursed his lips, looking down. “Been out in the city looking for a place.”

Your father nodded in understanding. “Of course. Did you get the check?” He asked. Your father had grown to like him ever since he had been forced to move into your house.

“I did, thanks.” There was an awkward silence before your father took the hint.

“Alright, well, I hope you get back on your feet.” He smiled and walked out of the room. You waited before you heard him close the door to his room before you spoke.

“Why have you been ignoring me?” You said, sad yet angry. You understood he was sad, but he shouldn’t ignore you.

He closed the door, slowly walking to your bed. “I’m sorry. I just felt sick here. You know?”

“No. I don’t know. Why?” You watched him sit down. “You felt so sick you couldn’t text me?”

“Goddamnit!” He groaned, covering his face with his hands. “I’m fuckin’ sorry alright? I fuckin’ love you (Y/N), I was dumb, I’m a shitty boyfriend-”

You walked over and sat on your knees in front of him, taking his hands in yours. “Stop talking, okay? You’re not a shitty boyfriend. I just missed you a lot, and I’ve been sad. I lost her too, Leo, we’re in this together. You don’t need to close yourself off from me.”

He looked down at you through cloudy blue eyes. A smile spread on his lips that were red from crying. “I’m so sorry, come here baby.” He sniffed and you climbed up in his lap, resting your head on his shoulder. He slowly rocked you back and forth as he rubbed your back. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Leo.” You whispered and closed your eyes as you enjoyed his warmth.

The brightest things burn the most.

The next week he left the state, and you didn’t see him for many years.

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