First Date

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You were dreaming about a trip to the beach with a bunch of baby pugs when two loud knocks woke you up. You forced your eyes open and looked over your covers to the door where Katie was peeking in. Her brown hair was in a messy bun and she was wearing her glasses.

"Buenos Dias! Sorry to wake you, but you got flowers." She said and stepped in, holding a large vase. She brought them over to your bedside table and set them down. Without a warning, she pulled open your blackout curtains and sunlight assaulted your eyes.

You were going to complain but the soft scent of Jasmine filled the air. You sat up and ran a hand through your hair as you looked at the vase. It was filled with jasmine vines, three onyx hellebores stuck straight up in the middle. You smiled widely and jumped out of bed as sweet nostalgia hit your heart. "They're from Leo?" You asked and she shrugged. You pulled a white card out from a plastic fork thing and smiled as you saw your name written in his distinct cursive. Unfolding the note you slowly walked into your bathroom and turned the shower on.

'Hope you still like these flowers. See you at eleven, wear something comfortable.' You loved his handwriting, it was so distinct and utterly him. It matched his voice so well. Smooth yet bold strokes, like he was confident he wouldn't make a spelling error.

After a quick shower and a sad excuse for a breakfast, you waited in your sitting room, bouncing your knee as you drank some hot tea. You were more than nervous, just using that word to describe yourself was an understatement.

You decided on wearing jean shorts and a grey, loose long-sleeved shirt. It felt plain so you wore a dainty silver anklet, which was a gift from Katie, and a pair of diamond earrings. You debated on wearing a necklace but Katie said it would be too much.

Before you could work up too much anxiety and possibly change your mind you heard the roaring engine of a muscle car. It was Leo. You peeked out the white lace curtains to see him pulling up in a yellow Chevy Impala Super Sport. It screamed the 50's, it looked straight out of a movie. Your heart skipped many beats as you secretly watched him walk up the walkway to your door. Oh, god, he was knocking. Okay.

When you opened the door you were greeted by the smell of cologne. It wasn't anything that smelt horribly fake, like most male cologne, it was floral and woodsy, like pine and magnolias. When you got over the pleasant smell you realized you were staring at him and not speaking. He was smiling at you in a way that made you feel so important and wanted.

"Good morning, sleep well?" He asked and you noticed he was holding out some sort of pink drink to you.

"I slept fine, what's this?" You asked as you took the plastic cup which almost slipped out of your grip because of the condensation.

"Strawberry milkshake. I picked it up on the way here." He rubbed his hands. They must have been cold from holding it.

You smiled widely and took a sip from the straw. As soon as the sweet drink touched your tongue more memories flooded back to you and you closed your eyes, sighing. "One for nostalgia, are you?" You asked and stepped out of the door, closing it behind you.

Leo chuckled and shrugged. "Maybe a little bit. I know you like them, and I felt a little weird coming here empty handed." As you walked to his car you snuck a peek at him, wanting to see his outfit and make sure you were dressed properly. He wore khaki shorts and a plain black tee, to your relief. Earlier you had a fear his idea of comfortable was a suit.

"Well, you sent me flowers this morning. I could forgive you this time." You joked as you got in his car.

Leo was about to say something but held his tongue. He fought for something to say as he started the car, the sound of the engine roaring to life sending a chill down your spine. He noticed you smiled and when he pulled onto the road he made sure to give it more gas than he normally would, causing the car to vibrate with the noise.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2018 ⏰

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