Why her?

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Chase Taylor's POV

I burst through the door to the car lot in a frenzy, panic streamed through my veins as I hear someone shout Kylie's name. A quick look around shows me the cause of my panic, my feet move forward of their own accord running towards Kylie who is cradled in Jay's arms.

"Thomson what the hell happened, what did you do?!" my voice is rushed as I fall to my knees in front of him and Kylie's unconscious face. My body tense with panic. "Babe wake up" I beg her urgently. "Rhys you need to open your eyes" I gaze down at her with frustration as she doesn't respond.

"Call an ambulance Taylor" Jay's voice is shaking and he doesn't take his eyes off her. I quickly stand pulling my phone out of my back pocket and dialling 911.

I walk in front of them pacing back and forth as I speak to the operator, not taking my eyes of Kylie's blank face. As soon as I am told the ambulance is on its way I collapse beside Jay.
"Give her to me" my voice is harsher than I intended and I see Jay's hold on her tighten as he stares at me with nothing but hate.

"No, I can take care of her." his voice is shaking, breaking on each word, he isn't strong enough for this, he can't handle it.

"Jay you're shaking man you need to pull yourself together, give her to me and go calm down." My voice has an edge of frustration which I can't hold back, I know he isn't strong enough for her, he will never be strong enough for her.

He slowly eases her into my arms releasing his hold as he stands up. I lean closer to her whispering into her ear as I stroke her cheek. "Your fine baby, I've got you"

The ambulance arrives in no time and Kylie is placed on a stretcher I immediately follow and climb into the ambulance with her Jay follows as we explain what had happened to the paramedics.

I continue to stroke her cheek throughout the journey whispering my pleas into her ear, "Rhys please wake up"

We are at the hospital within minutes and Kylie is rushed away for tests while me and Jay are forced into the relatives' room by the doctors to wait for an update.

We are waiting for hours Jay continues to pace the room, he is like a hamster trapped in a damned cage, where as I remain in the same position, to drained to move. I am sat on the floor against the wall with my head in my hands concentrating on my breathing. It is taking everything I have to breathe right now, every ounce of my energy to keep breathing and to stay strong for her.

The door slides open as a young doctor walks in "Kylie Rhys?" he asks taking in the both of us.

I spring to my feet and stand beside Jay "That's us" I motion to Jay with my head.

The doctor nods "If you would both follow me I will update you on her condition on the way" he motions towards the door.

Jay instantly steps forward following the doctor through the halls I follow beside him feeling uneasy as my brain goes into over drive. The doctor didn't smile when he came for us. It's serious. Somethings not right.

I am vaguely aware when Jay speaks in a small whisper "Will she be OK?"

The doctor gives him a small smile, that's an I'm sorry smile Chase. "I'm afraid all we can do is wait and hope. She suffered a major bleed to the brain as a result of the punch she received. We have sent her for a number of scans which have confirmed the bleed is under control. If there is any increase in the pressure on her brain we will need to operate. Right now, all we can do is wait and hope that her body heals itself. We have had to sedate her to give her time to heal."

My heart races within my chest at his words, my mind drifts away no longer listening to the conversation. All we can do is wait?! Is he fucking with me right now? She has to heal. She has to be OK. I can't lose her, not now.

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