Party Punches

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"Ready?" Jay whispers as we stand beside the open window.

I nod at him as he ducks out through the window and drops to the floor beneath him landing gracefully. I couldn't help but admire how graceful he was for such a muscular guy. I peak my head out of the window and look down at him. It isn't that far to drop but in heels I know it is going to be anything but graceful.

"I'll catch you, don't worry" Jay smils up at me as he whispers his assurances.

Taking a deep breath, I duck out of the window and drop into Jay's arms that hold me tightly around my waist as he sets me down on my feet.

"Told you I'd catch you" he flashes a dazzling smile and causing my breath to catch slightly in my throat. "Can you run?"

"I can always run" I grin at him as we run from the house to our destination six blocks away.

When we get to the party everyone is dancing and drinking it looks like it had started early. We walk through the house to grab some drinks from the makeshift bar in the kitchen.

"Jack and coke?" Jay asks with his eyebrow raised.

I nod and take the drink from his hand with a grin.

"You know it's kinda hot that you drink that" he grins at me sheepishly as we walk to the dance floor, I shrug in response taking a sip of my drink.

After an hour of dancing and plenty of drinking I am beginning to feel the effects of the alcohol, my head feels slightly fuzzy and I am definitely giddy. Jay has just left me to get us some more drinks when I suddenly feel a pair of hands rest on my hips touching bare skin. As the person pulls me back towards them I twist in their arms, my hand ready for the impact as I punch him in the jaw.

"Rhys what the hell?" he glares at me as he straightens up.

"Taylor" I look at him shocked for a moment but compose myself as I see Jay stood watching with his mouth open in shock. "What the hell did you think I was going to do?"

"Not fucking punch, me, you're crazy Rhys" he glares at me in anger his green eyes piercing through me.

I glare right back at him "Honey please you're supposed to be the reigning champion and you're crying because I punched you?" I giggle.

His eyes become softer as he looks at me, his face changing from anger to his signature sexy smirk.

"Baby I could take you down in a second" he whispers as he moves closer to me.

"You'd fight me?" I ask with my eyebrow raised in disbelief.

"Who said anything about a fight?" he whispers seductively into my ear his teeth grazing my ear slightly.

"Darling I created this move. Don't think you're having any effect on me what so ever." I whisper back as he rests his hands on my waist.

I move out of his grip and walk towards Jay, "Let me know when you're ready for a fight Taylor" I call back.

Jay pulls me outside and we walk back to his house in silence.

"Ky what are you doing with Taylor? It's not going to end well" he says as we climb back through my bedroom window.

"Don't worry Jay, I can handle myself, and who knows with your help I might even be able to knock him out" I grin at him.

"I don't want you to get hurt Kylie" he looks into my eyes with worry in his.

"Nothing's ever going to hurt me again Jay. I'm living my life carefree. How can someone who's heartless be hurt" I ask my eyebrow raised slightly.

He doesn't speak he just gives me a small half smile as he leaves my room. I undress and get into bed wearing just my underware it is way too hot for pyjamas.

Lying in bed my thoughts wander to what Jay had said, I know I don't need to worry about getting hurt. I have sworn to myself already that I will never allow anyone to get close to me now, after all that I have been through I can't trust them not to break me. So, from now on I am the heartless girl who doesn't care for anyone, besides Jay of course but I know that he will never betray me.

Love life my mums' words from her letter ring in my head. I'm loving life right now and life is the only thing I'll ever love again until that's taken from me to. I fall asleep not long after.

I wake up to my phone vibrating on the bedside cabinet and groan as I pick it up, my head hurts. I turn off the alarm and get out of bed. Time for school. I dress in black skinny jeans, a pink bralette and my leather jacket. I examine my toned stomach in the mirror and can see some slight improvement from my training with Jay. Just as I thought of him there is a light knock on my bedroom door.

"Do you feel as rough as I do?" he asks as I opened the door with a small smile. I nod in response my head too sore to talk.

"Will you drive?" I ask him as we walk to my truck "I'm pretty sure I'm still drunk"

"Sure, jump in" he says with a grin as I throw my keys to him. He catches them easily and climbs into the driver's seat.

We arrive at school just in time and have to run to class. We struggle through our lessons all morning until lunch when we decide to go out for some food.
McDonald's is the cure for all hangovers.

"Are we training tonight?" Jay asks with his mouth full of fries.

"Yeah" I reply giggling at him.

"We'll go to Legends and use the gym" he grins.

"Sure" I smile back looking forward to our training session.

After school we stop of at home and I change quickly into shorts and my sports bra, I wrap my hands ready for my training session.

"You ready?" I ask Jay as I grab my car key.

"Yeah you don't need them we're running" he smirks at me nodding towards my keys.

"Race you" I say grinning as I set off running.

I run as fast as I can and Jay keeps pace with me most of the way until we were almost there. I get my second wind and run, leaving him behind as I reach the door to Legends. I wait there for 5 minutes until Jay came around the corner.

"Come on, I've seen snails move faster." I grin at him sarcastically.

"I'll remind you of that in 10 minutes when you're doing reps" he breaths heavily as he speaks.

We enter Legends and walk through the bar to the gym in the back. I love this gym because it has separate rooms for privacy when the boxers are training it means I can train without all of the guys watching me with raised eyebrows.

"We'll do some weights in here first then we can go into a room and work on your technique" Jay is all business now, instantly becoming my personal trainer.

I nod slightly and move into my position on the first machine. 

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