Chapter 1

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Erika's pov
My mom drove me to school this morning and i relly regret asking for it because she wouldn't stop telling me what a nice guy Jake was and how cute we were as a couple and it really anoys me because i don't have feeling for Jake but she doesn't accept it.
Angel Erikas mom= An
Erika= E
An: you can bring Jake over for dinner today
E: mom i don't think he has time today
An: but you could ask him
E : yeah i'll ask him
Jake's pov
I refused to let my mom drive me to school today because i knew it will end up her talking to me about erika and what a great couple we would be but she doesn't understand that we are just friends. When i arrived at school i waited for Erika and Chanthony to come i was sitting on the steps infront of the school when i hear Erika say " Goodbye mom" i look up and see her infront of me hug and hear her mother "awee" at us we both just rolled eyes and eaited for Chanthony and Tessa to come Chanthony came 10 mins later but Tessa didn't we just walked in and as we walk in i regreted it after i saw Tessa..

To be continued..
What do think Tessa did?
Hope you liked this chapter .
- Lina

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