Chapter 36: The Darkest Woods

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Chapter 36: The Darkest Woods

I woke after sleeping the longest, soundest sleep I’d ever had. I went outside and found Madame Wong in the same place she’d been each day before, still as a statue in a perfect handstand. How long can she hold that pose?

I sat on the ground across from her as I had become accustomed to and waited for her to speak. I was just about asleep when I heard her ancient voice croak, “Relaxed, Miss Emily?”

“Well, yeah, I am actually.”

“Good, good. For your lesson today, must be extremely relaxed.”

“I’m ready for this lesson.”

“Yes, Madame Wong agree. This lesson, hardest for some to learn. I ask you question today.”

“Okay, I can answer a question.”

“Who are you?”

“Who am I?”

“Is there echo in my mist? You have question, now answer.”

“Who am I? Well, I am Emily, of course.”

“No. That is a name. Does not answer question. Again, who are you?”

“Well, I’m a girl. And my name is Emily. I am a human ... ”

“No, no, no. Names only. Does not answer. Who are you?”

“Well, I don’t know then. I think I’ve answered your question.”

“You think you ready, but you don’t know who you are? Maybe Madame Wong put it to you another way. What are you?”

“Well isn’t that different? Who I am. What I am. Two different things.”

“No different. Same question. Answer now.”

“Well I don’t know.  I’m molecules and cells. Water and carbon.”

“You describe that thing you call body that you drag around with you. What are you?”

“I guess I don’t what I am. If I’m not this body, then what am I?”

“Don’t ask me! I thought you knew who and what you are.”

“Come on, stop with the riddles. I don’t know what you’re asking me.”

“Only you can answer who you are.”

“Apparently I don’t know who I am. How can I find out?”

“Ah, that is good question. That I have answer for. Come.” She gracefully exited out of her handstand and began to walk.

I followed Madame Wong as she walked through her little yard and into a deep, dark wood. I don’t remember this being here before. We walked silently for a long time, ever deeper into woods so thick you could barely see your way. We came to a small clearing, scarcely large enough for both Madame Wong and myself. There she stopped and gestured me to sit on the ground.

“Most important question, one you must find answer to, what you are. You will journey on your own now, to find answer. This wood will help you. Listen well to the trees. They will guide you. When you have answer to question, you will find me.”

“But how do I find you? I’m lost here. I wasn’t paying attention to how we got here, and I didn’t mark my way.”

Madame Wong rose from the ground and walked away. I was up in a flash.

“You can’t just leave me here! I don’t know what I’m doing. I could be here for days.”

“Maybe months, even years,” she added.

“What? This is going too far. Look, I’ve played along. But this isn’t right. Jake and Fanny – even my dad – they need me. I don’t have time to sit in the woods.”

“Miss Emily. Such a Youngling. Your journey here will be long one I fear. You have seen you can create all that you need here yet you do not accept it. Yes, long journey.”

“Well if I can create whatever I want, then I’ll create a road out of this mess.”

“Once you have answered the question, a path as clear as the morning sun will appear before you and lead you to next phase of your journey.”

“I was afraid you were going to say that. Loophole.”

“Madame Wong leave now, Miss Emily. Madame Wong return when Miss Emily have answer.”

And with that, she was gone. No puffs of smoke or wave of a wand or anything. Just there one minute, the next vanished.

I stood alone in the darkest woods I could imagine. I didn’t have any food or water, no flashlight or other provisions. Just me in the dark. With Madame Wong gone it seemed even colder and darker in the small clearing. All I could think about was getting out of there.

I wasn’t interested in answering her question, but I figured by the time I found my way out of the woods, I’d have something worked out to say to her. Walking again, destination unknown.

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