I Know How It Goes From Wrong and Right - Part 2

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"Well, I'm just going to tell you this right away, I don't like you." She states in front of Harry and all of his friends.

As soon as those words left her lips, you felt your heart sank and your cheeks turn red.

"Gemma!" Harry says angrily.

"What?" She says looking at him. "You and I both know that I don't sugar coat shit."

"But that's still fucking rude and you know it!" Harry says.

"I'm just– I'm gonna go." You say quickly walking back down the steps and out the back door.

"Damn, Gem!" Harry shouts. "Why would you say that?"

"Because it's true." She sighs. "I don't like her."

"You don't even know her!" He says. "And you're the one who encouraged me to tell her how I felt."

"Yeah, I did, but that doesn't mean that I have to like her after she used you." She says.

"Fucking.. She didn't fucking use me Gem!" He says. "I told you that! Look, I'll deal with you later." He says shaking his head and heads out of the club.

By the time that Harry made it outside, he didn't see you standing anywhere. He sighs frustrated taking his phone out of his pocket. He tries calling you, but you don't answer letting it go straight to voicemail.

"Fuck." He mumbles to himself before grabbing his keys and heading to his car. He drives straight to your hotel and heads up to your room. He hopes that you're here and not out somewhere in the middle of London.

He knocks on your door and at first, there's no answer. He sighs putting his head against the door. He grabs his phone to call you again. Still nothing. He knocks on the door again and finally sends you a text.

"I'm outside your door. Please answer." He sends.

You sigh when your phone goes off again. You see a text from Harry. You walk over to the door and open it. Harry takes in your sniffling appearance and sighs sadly.

"Baby.." He whispers.

"Don't! Don't baby me." You say walking back to your room.

Harry follows you inside. "I'm sorry! I didn't know that she was going to be like that." He says shaking his head.

"Like what? That she was going to embarrass me in front of you and your friends? That she was going to already declare that she doesn't like me and that I'm obviously not good enough for you before she even met me. Did she see something in the media or something? What did I do for her to not like me?" You say.

He sighs. "Remember that day back in London when I had lunch with my sister?" He asks. "Well, I sort of told her about us and she thought that you were using me to get over your ex or something." He mumbles.

"And you just let her think that this entire time?" You say angrily.

"What? No! Not one bit. I told her it was nothing like that. That you were nothing like that!" He says. "I even confronted her about it tonight!"

"I can't believe this," you say. "You knew that she felt that way about me and you didn't tell me!"

"I'm sorry! I thought that she was over that! I mean she was the one that told me to tell you how I felt about you, so I thought that she got over it and believed me when I said that what we had was more." He says.

"Well, clearly she's not over it." You say.

"I'm going to talk to her about this." He says. "Don't worry, she'll come around."

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