24/7=Heaven Because I Love You

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Suzy plopped down onto her bed in exhaustion, flipping over into her back to look at the ceiling. It was 9:00a.m. on Saturday morning, and she had just gotten back from Busan with Jimin. Even though she'd slept on the train ride back, her and Jimin had gone to a local bar one of his friends owned the night before.

Never drink before a three hour train ride. She had an absolutely ridiculous hangover that was not treating her right. Tired of suffering, Suzy got up from her bed and walked into her bathroom. Opening her medicine cabinet, she pulled out her prescribed sleeping pills and took them dry. They immediately took affect and she stumbled back to her bed.

Once her head made contact with the pillow, she instantly fell into a sleep so deep she hardly dreamed about meeting Lee Min Ho. (And we all know that when we don't dream about meeting Lee Min Ho, we are dead tired.) When Suzy woke up, she wasn't completely aware of her surroundings. Stretching, she sat up on her bed before sliding off. Opening the door to her and she walked down the hall to the kitchen.

When her mom saw her enter, she greeted her excitedly. "Sleep well?" She asked her.

"How long was I down for?" Suzy asked her mother curiously, sitting at the table. Her mother set down a glass of apple juice, which Suzy gulped down greedily.

"Nineteen hours." The Voice of her sister Sohee rang through her ears. She hadn't noticed her older sister sitting in the chair across from her.

"No wonder I feel so refreshed." Suzy wondered aloud as she yawned quietly before finishing off her apple juice.

"Suzy, get dressed and put on something nice." Her mother instructed her as she sat down at the table with her two daughters.

"Why?" Suzy asked curiously, tilting her head in confusion at the woman who had given birth to her.

"Yeah, why her and not me?" Sohee asked. Suzy rolled her eyes at her older sister, who in turn stuck her tongue out at Suzy.

Such a child. Suzy and Sohee thought.

"Your boyfriend called." Suzy's mother told her. "He's picking you up later to go out." Suzy raised her eyebrow at her mother. She was grateful she was trying to be as vague as possible in front of her sister. But it wasn't doing anything to help the already strained relationship between the sisters.

"When did he call?" Suzy asked nonchalantly, fidgeting with her hands under the kitchen table.

"Last night. I told him you were sleeping, which is why you didn't answer your phone. So he called the house phone." Suzy's mother informed her.

"Will I finally be able to meet my "adorable" little sisters mystery boyfriend?" Sohee looked up from her phone at her sister and mother curiously. Suzy gave her mother a pleading look.

"I'm afraid you'll have to wait another night for that." Their mother said to Sohee innocently. "Your father, you, and I are going to dine with the Wangs downstairs."

"And I have to go?" Sohee rolled her eyes as if she was still a teenager, and not at the age where she was halfway to fifty years old. She may only be twenty-five, but she never acted her true age.

"Go on." Their mother ushered Suzy out of the kitchen and back to her room. "We'll probably be gone within the hour. So enjoy your date."

Once Suzy had reached her bedroom, she checked her phone she'd left on her bed. What do you know, a missed phone call from Tae. Throwing her phone on her bed, she sat on it, deep in thought. She hadn't spoken to him in over a week, but suddenly he wanted to go out.

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