Let Me Know

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"CHOI! JIN-RI! YOU LET ME IN RIGHT NOW!" I yelled at our apartments front door as I pounded on it. Even though December was my vacation, I ended up setting up a small schedule for myself.

It was just some CF filming for ramen and soda commercials, nothing big. My Korean company thought I should first make my presence in Korea known through commercials, something I didn't object to. I was still searching through my emails of auditions for a new drama; I couldn't find one that appealed to me yet.

It was three in the afternoon, and I had been up and filming various commercials through the day since 6:00a.m. I was hungry, tired, and I won't lie, slightly cranky. It wasn't helping that Sulli wouldn't open the freaking door.

"SULLI!" I pounded some more on the door impatiently. "LET ME IN! I FORGOT MY KEY!" No answer. Someone remind me again why I chose her as my roommate? Thank the lord none of our neighbors could hear me; way to make a first impression am I right?

"SULLI I SWEAR IF YOU DO NOT OPEN THIS DOOR AND LET ME IN THIS INSTANT I—?!" In all my haste of yelling and pounding on the door, I hadn't realized it had opened. My fist I had been used to be pounding on the door hit someone's broad chest, and I heard them grunt in pain. Oh crap.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I exclaim to the victim of my iron fist, bending down to their level. "I didn't mean to—-Wait who the heck are you?!" I ask the male who I didn't recognize. I instantly raise my purse in self-defense at The intruder, ready to strike, before he raises his hands in defense.

"Suzy! It's me, Jinyoung!" The male intruder exclaims quickly and nervously. I lower my purse to get a better look at him. Oh dear lord, I just inadvertently pummeled Sulli's boyfriend.

"Ah, I'm so sorry!" I say to him, laughing nervously as I pulled him up from the ground. He must have been surprised by my strength, because he stumbled forward in surprise.

"Nice to see you again too." He says to me, laughing as he envelops me in a hug. "What took you so long to come back?"

"Work." I say simply, smiling as I release him from our hug. "Gosh, you've grown a lot." I exclaim, laughing along with him.

"Same for you, Suzy-Ah." Jinyoung says, ruffling my hair sweetly. He puts on his shoes that he'd left at the front door. "I'd loved to stay and chat, but I have the night shift at work tonight."

"Sure, be safe." I tell him honestly. Jinyoung had become a police officer, which I knew caused Sulli to worry a lot about him. But we both had faith in his abilities of protection. Plus, if I said this to Sulli she'd kill me, but he didn't look half bad in the police uniform. But you didn't hear me say that. "Hey, where's Sulli?"

"Ah, she's still in bed." He tells me, opening the front door. "We both fell asleep for a few hours."

"Why were you two..." The logic clicks in my mind, and I can't hide my disgust. "Oh come on, not here! I'm in charge of doing laundry." Jinyoung laughs as I usher him out of our apartment. "Go, Go! I can't stand to see you right now, goodness me my innocence!"

"See you later, Suzy." He says, laughing as I shut the door behind him. I slip out of my shoes as I walk into our spacious kitchen, sitting at the island counter. I don't bother changing out of my work clothes as I set up my laptop and get to work.

I brush back my fringe as I load up my laptop. The CF I had filmed was for a instant black bean noodle commercial. The stylist had put on a fake fringe on my hair; but I liked it so much that I asked them if I could keep it. They didn't mind, so they let me. Although...I may have taken the outfit they had me wear as well.

"Did Jinyoung leave already?" Sulli asks me as I notice her walk tiredly into the kitchen. She walks over to the fridge to get a water, drinking it almost in one gulp.

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