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Why are you so harsh on me... I'm sorry for whatever I did to make you mad

I don't know how to fix anything anymore; and things continue to get even worst

You've turned "hello's" into "leave me alone" and you changed my mornings into sighs of depression

Nothing seems okay anymore, and I don't know how to say "I'm not okay"

Please just make me okay again, I fear that you will continue tormenting me until I give up completely

I've been hiding my feelings because I'm ashamed, why did you make me feel this way

Why can't you make things a little easier, instead of this constant struggle

I know I am sounding bratty, and I know you are probably doing this to make me stronger

But, what if I can't get stronger

What if I am not all that you think? What if I am weak and a lost cause

I don't feel like saying anything else, but I hope you really think about what I'm asking for

I am not saying you're not doing your job, I'm just asking if you can ease up a little bit

I'm not asking for too much, just a little break from this thing you call depression

Depression KillsWhere stories live. Discover now