The Beginning

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"Sure I will not get into trouble Bill?" Georgie Denbrough asked his older brother Bill who was making a paper boat for him. "Don't be a wu-wu-wuss. I'd come with you if I weren't*cough.cough* dying." Bill told his little brother pretending to cough and exaggerating his sickness Bill had to be honest he knew he wasn't that sick he just didn't want to go outside "You're not dying!" Georgie said "You didn't see the v-v-vomit coming out of my nose this morning?" Bill said pointing to the hallway with a small smile on his face Georgie put a face of disgust on his face "That's disgusting." He said "Okay, go get the wax" Bill told Georgie "In the cellar?" Georgie asked he was terrified of the cellar he never wanted to go in there and now he had to "You want to fl-fl-float, don't you?" Bill asked "Fine" Georgie finally gave in "Hurry up" Bill said into the walkie talkie "Okay, don't worry" Georgie said he went down the stairs and into the cellar looking on a couple of shelves "Where is the wax?" He asked himself still looking "There it is"
*skip to next part*
Georgie was watching his older brother put the wax onto the boat while he rested his head and arm on his brothers shoulders "Alright. There you go. Sh-sh-she's all ready captain." Bill said handing his little brother his boat. Georgie held the boat confused "She?" He asked Bill nodded "You always call a b-boat, she." He said "She?" Georgie said trying it out smiling "Thanks, Billy." He said hugging his brother "See you later." Bill said "Bye." Georgie told him and ran out of the room. After a while Bill stood up from the chair and looked out the window staring at his little brother. He held the walklie to his lips "Be careful" he said
*Meanwhile with Georgie*
Georgie was running beside his boat trying to keep up smiling amd giggling. He hit his head on a sign that said 'Derry Public Works' on it and fell that made him fall behind and not near the boat. He got up and tryed to catch it seeing it near a storm drain "No!" "No!" He yelled as the boat fell in he got on his knees looking inside the drain "Bills gonna kill me." He said still looking in when he seen a pair of blue eyes "Ahhh" he screamed and jumped back "Hiya Georgie." The person he now knew was a clown held up his boat "What a nice boat... Do you want it back?" The clown asked "Yes please" Georgie said being polite "You look like a nice boy. I bet you have a lot of friends." The clown said to Georgie "Three, but my brothers my bestest." He said "Where's he?" The clown asked "In bed...sick." Georgie said the clown smiled and looked at Georgie "I bet I could cheer him up. I'll give him a balloon. Do you want a balloon too Georgie?" The clown said "I'm not supposed to take stuff from strangers." Georgie said "Oh well, I'm Pennywise the dancing clown. Pennywise yes meet Georgie. Georgie meet Pennywise. Now we aren't strangers, are we?" The clown said to Georgie while the young boy was confused "What are you doing in the sewer?" Georgie asked "A storm blew me away.*giggle* Blew the whole circus away. Can you smell the circus, Georgie? There are peanuts, cotton candy... Hot dogs...annnnnd..." Pennywise trailed off "Popcorn?" Georgie asked "Popcorn! Is that your favorite?" The clown asked "Uh huh." Georgie answered "Mine too!" Pennywise said happily *skip the craziness*  "I should get going now." Georgie said the clown wondered what to do but then he remembered "Without your boat? You don't wanna lose it Georgie Bill's gonna kill you." The clown said "Here....take it"

A/N:  Hey guys! Yes I know this chapter was absolute trash but I will be updating again either today or tomorrow so yeah. Also can you please send me feedback on this like if you liked it or not.

Thursday, Jan 4th 2018 @ 11:46 pm

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