You s-s-s-suck Bowers

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*Elena's P.O.V*
Me , my brother, Richie and Bill just came out of the class as the bell rang and the boys were talking about Stan's bar mitzvah "There is a church full of Jew's and Stan has to take the super jew-y test-" Eddie said but was cut off by Bill "But how does it work?" Bill asked Eddie put up his hands "They slice the tip of his dick off." He said "But then you'll have nothing left!" Richie exclaimed while I was just plain out disgusted "It is true" Eddie said. Stan come's up running behind us "Wait, you guys!" Stan says as he catches up with us. He smiled at me and put his arm on my shoulder in a brotherly manner "Hey,Stan, what happens at the mitzvah anyways? Eddie says you slice the tip of the d-d-d-dick off." Bill said "Yes, Rabbi's gonna pull down your pants. And he will tell the crowd 'where's the beef?'" Richie said Eddie and Bill thought it was funny but I didn't "You guys are disgusting." I said "Whatever you know you like to hear us talking like this." Richie told me in a flirtatious tone. I just rolled my eyes "At the bar mitzvah I read from the Torah...and then I make a speech, and suddenly I become a man." Stanley explains I smiled at him as we continued to walk through the hallway "There's more funner ways to become a man." Richie says "'More fun ways', you mean?" Stanley corrects. We started to pass Bowers' gang and the boys were just staring at us "Shit" Eddie muttered "Do you think they'll sign my yearbook? 'Dear Richie... Sorry for taking a hot, steaming dump in your backpack last month... Have a good summer'" Richie says suddenly I felt Stanley move closer to me then that's when I looked back to see Greta behind us "What a bitch." I said and kept on waliking. We walked outside and went ovwr to the trashcan and dumped out our stuff out from our backpacks "Best feeling ever!" Stanley said "Yeah? Try tickling your pickle for the first time" Richie said. Gross. I swear with this boy I love him but I can't stand him "What do you guys wanna do tomorrow?" I asked "I start my training" Richie said "What training?" Eddie asked "Street Fighter" Richie responded "Is that how you want to spend your summer, stuck in an arcade?" Eddie said "Better than inside your mother." Richie said putting his hand up but Stanley put it down "What if we go to the quarry?" Stan asked "Guy's we can g-go to the barrens." Bill spoke "Right." Richie said putting up his glasses. I looked at Eddie ge was looking somewhere so I turned around to see what he was looking at "Betty Ripsom's mom." Eddie and I said at the same time "Does she really expect to see her coming out of the school?" Richie asked "I don't know" Eddie said "As if Betty Ripsom's been hiding in HomeEc for the last few weeks." I said "Do you think they'll actually find her?" Stan asked "Sure. In a ditch all decomposed, covered in worms and maggots, smelling worse than Eddie and Elena's mom's underwear" Richie said I hit him upside the head "Shut up!" Eddie said "Gross" I muttered "She's not dead. She's m-m-m-missing." Bill said "Sorry Bill, she's missing" Richie apologized "You know the barrens aren't that bad. Who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water?" Richie said I turned around not wanting to hear his stupid words anymore suddenly I'm falling to the floor along with Stanley and Richie I look up to see Patrick standing near Stan "Nice frisbee, flamer." Patrick said "Give it back." Stan said reaching for it but Patrick threw it and it went inside of the bus that was passing by.
"Fuckin' losers." Belch says then burps in Eddie's ear "Loser" Bowers says while bumping into Bill's shoulder. Bill turns around, mad "You s-s-s-suck, Bowers!" Bill says "Shut up Bill" Eddie said 'Oh god please don't do anything to him' I prayed in my head hoping that Henry wouldn't hurt my other friend. Henry turned around and looked at Bill "Did you s-s-s-say something, B-b-b-b-Billy?" Henry said making fun of Bill's stutter "You got a free ride this year cause of your little brother. Ride's over, Denbrough. This summer it's gonna be a hurt-train, for you and your faggot friends...especially that little bitch of yours" Henry said to Bill then he licked his hand and slapped it on Bill's face "I wish he'd go missing" Ed's said "He's probably the one doing it." Stan said. "Hey guy's. We should get going. You know how me and Eddie's mom gets." I said they nodded and I started walking to get to my bike and we started to ride home.

A/N: Hey guys so I updated hope you guys liked it I will update soon again. See you soon!

                              Elena's Outfit

                              Elena's Outfit

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2018 ⏰

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