Living with the Enemy -Part 1-

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As always they all had to sit at the table to eat, so none started if one was missing. This is how Vlad arranged it and that's how it was done.

He called Daniel several times, but did not receive an answer.

Danny was immersed in the last Christmas lights which were about to be removed.

New Year was approaching. He would start his first year without those important people at his side; without their parents and friends. He could not understand how life changed from moment to moment.

When he heard the voice of the eldest of the house, he finished grunting. He took off from the window; his face was cold. He had to heed the calls, so he lumbered out of the room, meeting Vlad outside.

The first thing he struck was to scold him for not answering despite his multiple calls.

To which Danny did not answer or try to excuse himself in any way. He only ignored  him, as if it did not exist.

Vlad resigned himself, he didn't want to argue before starting dinner

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Vlad resigned himself, he didn't want to argue before starting dinner.

Both siblings were in everything except the real plane. Jazz, immersed in a book, indifferent to the tense atmosphere, but not immune to it.

Danny barely touched what was on his plate, by the time he finally decided to try it, term for making a face. It was not that he was unpleasant, rather he had no appetite and forced to eat caused that reaction.

Vlad coughed a couple of times, without getting the attention of the kids.

"How was your day?" It was the only thing he thought to ask to break that environment.

"Nothing interesting." Jazz commented trying not to sound disinterested, although that tone was practically the natural sound of her voice

"As if you really cared."

"Danny."  His sister scolded him. She did not think it fair to treat Vlad that way, when he took care of both.

"Daniel." Vlad took the napkin and pretended to lightly clean the corners of his mouth. "I'm asking is because I'm interested. I do not think it's the right way to answer me."

"Oh, is there a protocol now? And now it turns out that after everything you've tried against me and my family, now you care!"

That was so right. Vlad recognized and accepted that he had not been the best person, but he tried to do things. At least he tried.

It was the least he could be done.

"Don't talk to me like that, Daniel." Vlad ordered with all the patience he could get.

"You're not my father, although you want to believe it." Danny said, getting up without permission from the table.

"Daniel, come back here!" Vlad said seeing him run to his room.

So that was what happened.

Vlad had obtained what he wanted: Danny, his desired son but, the price was very high, losing Maddie forever.

That was not what he wanted, and if he agreed to be with the guardianship of the Fenton kids, it was not to take advantage because it was the least he could do; but Danny didn't see it that way.

Walk through life with the surname of his enemy, under Vlad's roof and tied to his rules. Away from everything that used to be his life. Away from everything that used to be his life.

He knew that sooner or later, Vlad would take advantage of this. And again at the beginning.

Jazz listened as Vlad knocked on the door without receiving an answer from her brother.

"I think I can have dinner in my room this time." She spoke with a very ironic and emotionless tone, and then she get up and away from the scandal that those two make when discussing.

Vlad ended up entering the room to force the door lock, possibly damaging it. It was now or never, He had to talk to Daniel.

Danny didn't react very well, but he was interrupted even before he could complain.

"Oh no! Now you're going to have to listen to me, Daniel."

Living with the Enemy (English version)Where stories live. Discover now