Living with the Enemy. -Part 2-

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"I don't want to hear anything that comes from you." Daniel answered after turning around after seeing the older man enter the force. "I'm not asking, you're going to have to hear me!" Vlad asserted while frustrating the boy.

"Ugh ... " The boy resigned, it was useless to fight, another waste of time. The faster he releases it, the faster Vlad would go and leave him alone.

"Does it not seem unfair to you how you treat me?" Vlad said hitting the door behind him. "Did you think that if I did not care, I would have received you and your sister?"

"I did not ask you!" Danny was unworthy of that. He felt like being thrown in the face.

"I'm not reproaching you, Daniel! I just ask you to stop judging me that way, as I was the blame for your parents being dead! If it were not for you wanting to cheat on the exam, they would still be alive!!" Vlad shouted. Later realizing what he had just said. He was carrying the guilt, without any trace of remorse. "Not only did I lost Maddie, but you too."

The young man's look changed, and again he looked more sad than angry. The situation tensed, but in an almost unmanageable way for the adult.

"At least now so you can not have her anymore." The silence encompassed a great moment where reign pure discomfort. That counter-attack had been effective.

"That makes you happy, does it not? Then, he faces the consequences and stops seeing me as the enemy." The gentleman turned his back and walked away, getting closer and closer to the exit. Before turning slightly, without fully seeing the child. "You are your only enemy, the worst."

After seeing Vlad go out that door, Daniel untied his will badly contained, throwing his pillows to where the older man was gone. He was really angry, and even worse, not knowing where to direct that anger made him explode constantly. Finally, he end up making a good mess in your room. It is not as if the older one had not noticed, he just did not want to go back to the same thing. Well, Vlad had let him retaliate in his room and maybe tomorrow he would be calmer. The calm came only with fatigue and it was at that moment that Danny fell asleep.

In the morning, Vlad had left the house to attend the matters he never talked about. Perhaps because they would not pay attention to him anyway. The older sister was the first to get up at breakfast. She didn't expect her brother to accompany her that morning. He usually woke up later and sometimes went to school even without breakfast.

"What a wonder, could you sleep at least?" Jazz asked.

"Weirdly yes." The young bag in the milk container of the refrigerator made him look disgusted. He return it and looked for something else.

"After the tantrum you did at night." This accusation made him take out his now cold face from the fridge with an unhappy gesture, a frown and a red nose.

"You heard." He claimed.

"I was about to climb but Vlad thought it was better to leave."

"Oh." He just took a drink of juice and shut the door.

"Danny, I think we have to talk." The young sighed. He would hardly act with his sister as he did with Vlad; However, that would lead to accept his mistake, which he denied at first hand.

"About what?"

"Don't pretend" She replied. "Look, I know it's not easy, but you should try to tolerate Vlad a little more. I think it is a little unfair that you behave in that way, considering that he only wanted to help us"

Danny avoided looking at his sister, just listening. It was obvious she would think that, but it was not so easy to accept. After all, he was his worst enemy.

"I know what you think, but now it is not like that anymore." Jazz said, as if she had read his mind. "Why would the enemy give you the hand?" His silence dictated everything.

"Just think about it. I know he was your archenemy, Danny but, he does not have him anymore because he fought. He lost his reason for doing it after all."

That was the greatest truth, the only one he could not deny. Vlad had everything, except what he loved most, that's why he acted like a moron, according to Danny. But now that neither Maddie nor Jack were there, what other reason would he have? Unfortunately, Danny still felt that he somehow wanted to take advantage of the situation. This day he would live it thinking about what his sister had sown in his head.

Living with the Enemy (English version)Where stories live. Discover now