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Messages Between Incompetent Fuck and King of Stupid

King of Stupid:

Incompetent Fuck:
What did you do?

King of Stupid:
Not what but who...

Incompetent Fuck:

King of Stupid:
How did you know?

Incompetent Fuck:
I'm your best friend
I just knew
What the hell happened?
Are you back together?

King of Stupid:
Dude chill
We're not back together
I might have freaked out and left this morning

Incompetent Fuck:

King of Stupid:
I can see the look on your face
Stop it
We were drunk and it never should've happened ok?
Not after the shit she did to me

Incompetent Fuck:
What the hell did she do babe?

King of Stupid:
Towards the end of high school she just seemed to be distancing herself from me and I thought it was just because senior year brings a lot of stress and shit
So I started giving her space and then one of my friends sent me a picture of her kissing some guy
And then I found later on that they'd more than just make out
I'm just not ready to deal with that again

Incompetent Fuck:
I know this isn't what you want to hear
But you need to talk to her
You two clearly still have feelings for each other and you'll never figure this out if you don't talk

King of Stupid:
Ok fine
I'll talk to her
But don't get too excited

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