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Emma's pov.

Monday morning is always rough for me but today is different. I actually felt okay and happy. I was wide awake and not a zombie dragging itself out of the bed.

"Hey keels what a beautiful day this is" I said to keels as soon as I got to her car.

"Why won't you be happy, when you spent your weekend with jaden".

"Don't be jealous, plus he didn't sleep over. He left as soon as I was asleep".

"And how would you know?".

"Huh I woke up and he wasn't there. How was your weekend?".

"I have to tell you something".


"I lied to you. I'm really sorry, I'm a terrible friend".

"What happened?".

"You know on Friday when I said I was meeting my grandma. I wasn't".

"Where were you then?" I said shooting her fake death glares.

"Uh at a party"

"You ditched me for a party??".  I said pretending to be disappointed.

"No it wasn't like that, see I sneaked into the party. I was actually following kaden".

"Following?, that's stalking. Why didn't you ask for my help?".

"You're not angry?".

"Nah, I'm good. So what happened?"

"He was drunk, and said some stuffs to me when he saw me".

"Stuffs like???"

"Why are you so eager.?? when did you started acting like me and why am I even shy and intimidated?".

"Who knows, things are happening the opposite way today. I woke up happy I mean very HAPPY. Carry on please".

"He confessed having a crush on me. But was too shy to admit it to me because I might not feel the same way since I'm kinda aggressive".

"Aggressive?, yeah he got that right". I said and it got me a smack on my back.

"Ow, see what I mean. And shouldn't you be happy?".

"That's the point. He was drunk which means he was being delusional".

"Haven't you heard that a drunken man's word is a sober man's thought?".

"Dont get all smarty on me".


"Shut up, we are here". She said pulling at the parking lot.


Before I entered the class, someone yanked me back.

"Do you guys want to kill me?".

I said to Kaden and Zach.

"Kill you?, come on Emma you know I love you with all my butt".

"Butt?". Kaden and I questioned.

"Yeah butt, I would say my heart but my butt is bigger".

"You're really weird" I commented.

"Yeah, I am weird. Wonderful, Exciting, Interesting, Real and Different".

"Please stop". Kaden pleaded and I chuckled. They go through this everyday. They should be used to him by now.

"Why am I here?".

"Okay so, I woke up this morning, brush my teeth and didn't bother to shower, then i__".

"Shut up" Kaden yelled at Zach and added. "What he was trying to say was that you're getting framed".


"Yeah, I saw Amanda sneaking something into your locker and I'm very sure she will use it against you".

"What do we do now?". I asked

"I took the video and that's the only evidence we neede__" he got cut off by someone's snore. Zach's.


"What?, I was bored. It would have been more interesting if I had explained" he said.

"You're so stupid, do you have an expansion for that?". Kaden said.

"No but I could try. Stupid: surprisingly talented u__".

"Stop please" it's my turn to beg now. He stopped and we walk into the classroom. Lauren doesn't know what is coming her way.

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