"You're my favorite drug bubba"

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-Third perspective-

Richie placed his hand under Eddies chin, tilting Eddie's head upward. He placed a kiss on Eddie's delicate lips. Eddie kissed back gently. Richie ran his tongue along Eddie's bottom lip, asking for entrance, in response Eddie parted his lips allowing their tongues to collide. Richie ran his hands up and down Eddie's back while Eddie's hands were in Richie's hair. Eventually Eddie pulled away, gasping for breath. Richie simply went to Eddie's neck, sucking at the skin. Eddie let out a slight whimper, his hands went to Richie's back. "I love you" Richie said between the kisses he was giving Eddie's shoulder. "I love you too-" Eddie answered between breaths. Richie removed his lips from Eddie and looked at the younger boy in the eyes.

"You're so beautiful" Richie said, kissing his forehead, Eddie giggled. "I love your everything." Richie said. "Your eyes", he began with, poking one. "Your nose" Richie continued, tapping Eddie's nose. "Your freckles" Richie ran a finger along Eddies cheek. "Your lips-" Richie pecked Eddie's lips. "Everything about you is perfect, you are perfect, you are mine and I am yours , you're the love of my whole pathetic life, you're my everything Bub".

Eddie teared up, "God i love you so much" he said wrapping his arms around Richie. Richie smiled, "You are my favorite drug Bubba, and I'm so addicted to you". Eddie blushed. Richie moved Eddie around so that he was siting in his lap. He laid his head on Eddie's shoulder and sat there smiling, because he was so in love with the younger boy. "One day I'm going to marry you Eds". Eddie was smiled, tears threatened his eyes as he squeezed Richie's hand and turned around and kissed him.

Gasp, something cheesy and cute because ugh idk but it's short and sucky lmao bye 

i love you so // Reddie OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now