cotton candy skies

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he saw eddie four more times.

the first time, was 5 years after richie had left derry for the second time, after they had actually killed it. after eddie kaspbrak, lost his life. after he had forgotten derry once again.

richie watched as his ex-girlfriend screamed in pain, if he still had any feeling for her, he might've felt bad. his eyes turned to the doctors, they were pulling something out of her. he knew exactly what it was, a child. him and his now ex-girlfriend had decided to not use a condom once and well, she kinda got pregnant. that was the reason the two had broken up. richie begged her not to abort it, and luckily she agreed, on one condition. richie would take care of the child, by himself. 

richie smiled as the doctors held up the child, it was a boy.

"what are you going to name him?" asked one of the nurses.

richie had prepared a name already but weirdly, that wasn't the name that came out.


richie wasn't sure where the name came from, maybe it was random.

however, something inside him said otherwise. part it him thought edward


 was someone important, some that richie had


cared for maybe. 

he looked outside, out the window.

the sky was different shades of pinks, blues and orange.

it kinda looked like cotton candy.

(oh these cotton candy skies,)

before richie knew it, he was signing the birth certificate.

edward tozier.

"richie," he whispered.  

richie gave the pen back to the lady, still unaware why he had chosen that name instead of the original one he had picked out. still unaware of who edward



"what?" richie was down on his hands and knees, staring at him desperately.

richie scrunched up his nose, turning to go and sit down. "just a headache" he told himself out loud.

"don't call me eds," he said, and smiled. he raised his left hand slowly and touched richie's cheek. 

richie stood up, walking over to the vending machine. he pulled out a crumpled five dollar bill and flattened it out, now aware that his hands were wet with sweat. he wiped them on his jeans and pushed the five dollar bill into the machine.

richie was crying.

one of richie's hands came up to his cheek, holding his face with one hand. the other hand punched in a random number. a bag a chips was dispensed and dropped into the open slot. 

"you know i... i..." eddie closed his eyes, thinking how to finish, and while he was still thinking it over he-

"mr. tozier?"

richie turned to the nurse calling his name. 

"would you like to see your son? we cleaned him up for you." she said, a warm smile on her face 

richie nodded, and the memory that had been so close, moved away again.

richie stepped into the room, smiling down at the boy.

i love you so // Reddie OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now