It'll just be us. Like it's supposed to be.

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Eddie sighed as he turned down the brightness of his phone and slightly shifted to his side instead of his back. He was texting Richie, aka the love of his life who had moved away last year because his dad got a new job. Richie and Eddie had been dating for a little over six months at that time and they had decided that they were going to try and do long distance. But lately it had gotten so hard.

Every time Richie took an extremely long time to answer Eddie would worry that Richie was ignoring him or something was wrong with Richie. During school Eddie would constantly catch himself getting caught up with his phone instead of class while just because he was trying to talk to Richie. Eddie's grades had slowly started slipping and Eddie knew it was for the reason.

Richie had lately been talking a lot about new friends he had made and people that he thought Eddie would love. One of them had been a girl named Beverly, Eddie had been extremely jealous of her at first because she was a real beauty but eventually that jealously went away when she learned that Beverly was dating Richie's other friend Ben.

More than anything Eddie missed Richie sneaking through his bedroom window in the middle of the night and cuddling him on nights he couldn't sleep unless Richie was there. Richie had brought Eddie a sense of the word calm and when Eddie was around Richie he overall just felt a lot better.

Eddie missed Richies kiss, he missed the way Richie would hold his so tight. He missed those damn glasses. God he even missed all of Richies mom jokes and dumb accents and nicknames that had always seemed to annoy Eddie.

Eddie wanted nothing more than to simply run away to the town where Richie had moved and just be with Richie.

Eddie and Richie were both in their very last year of high school so they would be able to see each other once they graduated, which for Eddie was about a month away. Eddie had thought that Richies graduation was around the same time since Richie never really talked about it because he didn't take that type of stuff easily.

But Eddie and Richie had a plan, they were going to finish school and then move into an apartment together in New York where they would take a leap year before starting whatever college that they planned on attending together. Then and only then would they actually start perusing a career, as of the moment Richie wanted to go for acting and Eddie had still not decided.

Eddie smiled to himself as he rolled over onto his other side that faced his window. The smile immediately vanished as he thought of who he would normally see at the window. He imagined Richies face popping up at the window and hearing him yell out something weird like, "Spaghetti man!" or "Eds my dear!"; basically any nickname that you can think of Richie had already used on Eddie.

Eddie was so distracted by his vouchers that he didn't hear the tapping at the window until a familiar voice rung out. "Open sesame Eds!". Eddie blinked, Richie Tozier was at his window.


Eddie had immediately questioned, Eddie rubbed his eyes but Richie was still there. "You gonna sit there or are you gonna let me in?" Richie said with a smirk. Eddie quickly ran to the window and opened it.

Richie swung his lanky limbs inside and was soon standing in front of Eddie. Eddie had so many questions but Richie answered them all with one statement, "School in Florida ends earlier than here, I graduated last week" Richie said in a low voice. Eddie looked up at Richie, over the last year Richies hair had grown and lot and the boy had gotten a little taller and his facial features were a bit easier to see. Richie still looked absolutely beautiful.

"Chee-" Eddie started, however whatever he said was forgotten when Richies lips crashed against his and their lips started to dance together. Eddie was pulled onto Richies lap as the boys moved to Eddies bed. Soon they were taking off each other's clothes and making noises that they reserved only for each other. After they were done with their very explicit greeting, they laid in Eddies bed together, their legs were tangled and Eddie head was laying on Richie's bare chest. Richie fingers were playing with Eddies slightly curly locks as they talked about everything that had happened over the time that Richie had been gone.

They talked for hours, and Eddie couldn't wipe the dumb smile off his face as he slowly fell asleep with the smell of fresh sex and Richie. For what seemed like the first time ever since Richie left, Eddie slept well. The last thing that Richie had told Eddie stayed in his mind.

"Chee? Are you going back?"

"Hell no Eds, I'm staying here until you graduate. Then I'm taking you away from Derry for good, it'll just be us. Like it's supposed to be".

It'll just be us. Like it's supposed to be.

Half asleep Eddie slightly broke the silence.

"I missed you Rich"

"I missed you too Bubba"

"Love you-"

"Love you too"

And with that Eddie fell asleep, nice and warm in the arms of the boy that he would call his husband several years later, the boy that would hold his hand as he breathed his last breath and passed. The boy that would never forget him, and shortly would take his own life to be with Eddie. 

Neither of the boys would ever say it out loud, but in that moment they both realized that the other boy was the person that they wanted to be with forever. In that moment they would both know that they would be together and love each other, for forever and always. Just like it had always been meant to be.

Dedicated to Beany and Ali and Katie bc they read this first and i love them all especially beany, beany makes me soft 

i love you so // Reddie OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now