Chapter 2.

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"Marinette I thought I told you no friends over after 8!" Mum yelled out from downstairs. I freaked out as I heard her make her way up the ladder to my room.

"Oh um, I'm just taking to...." I thought and thought for a valid excuse until I remembered the school project I had been given today and I had been partnered, to my absolute joy, with Adrien. "Adrien? Yes I'm talking to Adrien about our school project. He's on the phone though. Of course."

I could here she was almost at the top of the stairs. Chat Noir had a shocked expression on his face and I shrugged, mouthing "I don't know" to him across the room. He kept on top of my bed and hid under the blankets over by the far wall.

"Well your very loud marinette it sounds like he's in the room with you along with a hundred baby elephants. Keep it down a little we have guests over don't forget!"

"Of course Mama!" I called as I flopped over on my chair. "Chat that was awfully close!" I whispered to him. "You can come out if you want she's not coming in." I almost fell of my chair as Chat tripped over the last step on the ladder, causing him to fall flat on his face on the floor.

"Marinette? Are you ok?" I heard my dad call from down in the living room.

"Of course dad! Just tripped over my um, my chair!" I glared at Chat as he rubbed his head. "I told you to be quiet Chat!"

"Seems I have fallen for you just as you fell for me. It seems to be fate." I chucked a pillow from my chair at his head and he returned the favour.

"Don't even start! Even if I would beat you at any pillow fight, your going to get caught!"

"You and Ladybug are so alike. I wouldn't like to see you two in a fight you're too competitive." He started laughing at the shocked expression on my face as I looked for clues to see if he was serious or not. I began to yawn, taking my attention away from Chat.

"Well I must go then. Can't keep my princess up all night." Chat winked.

"Your princess hey?"

"Of course. Your my princess and I'm your knight in shining armour."

We were now sat next to each other on my small couch. "Well Knight, I guess I better send you on your way then."

"Not without my kiss of course." I could see that he was quite clearly joking as he stood up, chuckling. I stood up as well and smirked at him.

"If that's going to make you leave..." I pecked him quickly on the cheek. "I guess I better not keep you waiting." He turned bright red and his eyes widened. He looked at me with the most priceless expression I had ever seen. "I was joking kitty! Just wanted to surprise you. I thought it would be funny, which, if you could see yourself right now it's downright hilarious." I laughed at him as he made his way outside.

"Good night Mari." He smiled, still red in the face.

"Good night Chat."

"MARINETTE GET OUT OF BED WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!" I jolted out of bed, hurting every muscle in my body.

"What, who, why, oh my gosh!" I spat out, confused. Alya stood on my ladder hitting me with my pillow.

"Get out of bed! You said you would be ready to walk with me today we have 10mins girl!" I jumped out of bed and fiddled with my clothes but I was too tired to function. I was still half asleep after that awakening.

"Here let me pick. It's going to take you years to find something." Alya laughed as she picked out a red cropped top and a black skater skirt. I was too tired to agree or disagree so I chucked it on and slipped on some black flats. I went to grab some hair ties but Alya grabbed my arm and shook her head.

"Mari we have 2mins grab your bag!" I yanked my bag from my chair and bolted down the stairs saying a quick good bye to mama and papa. We bolted down the street towards the school and just made it into class as the bell rang.

"Marinette and Alya, sit down please!" We had all eyes on us as the teacher told us to sit. I awkwardly laughed and sat down, not looking at anyone in embarrassment.

Alya reached over and whispered in my ear once the teacher turned around. "Girl what did you do to Adrien. He looked so awkward when you walked in!"

"Oh it wouldn't of been at me, no. He might have just been tired." I tried to talk it off but I was screaming on the inside thinking that maybe he was looking at me. Maybe the new outfit was a good change?

"Well I must say, the outfit I chose does look really good, especially with your hair down!" Alya winked, gaining a glare from the teacher. I couldn't concentrate for the rest of the lesson. All I could think about was my outfit and if Adrien really was looking at me. I was such a goof but I couldn't help it. I just couldn't stop thinking about him!

Suddenly a loud bang was heard and screams irrupted through the streets. A live broadcast popped up onto the board, much like some sort of news station. I assumed everyone was seeing the same thing and my bug instincts told me it was an akuma attack, but I'm sure everyone else figured that out as well.

"I am The Broadcaster and I am here to present to you today's bad news." She cackled, almost like an evil queen would in a cartoon. "Just now, the biggest concert of the year has been canceled. Leaving many, many, many people sad, upset and absolutely furious! I call upon my bearers of bad news!" The Broadcaster held a staff into the air and hundreds of purple butterflies flew out into the city. The crashes outside got louder and more frequent so we all ran to the window to see what was happening. People were crying, others were mad, some even running from the class to hide. Hundreds, possibly thousands of people ran through the streets, all with different powers, strengths and weekness'.

I began to panic. I couldn't do this. There was too many of them and I just couldn't. There were many times before that we couldn't even take on one villain and now there were thousands of them. They may all be controlled by one master but they were still all individually akumatised. Tears began to poor down my face and I ran. I ran to the closest place to could find to hide, possibly somewhere that Ladybug would never be found.

I bolted into the locker room and ran straight into Chat Noir as he was coming out. I didn't know why he would of possibly been in there but that wasn't even running though my mind. All that was was how I was going to fail and disappoint everyone.

"Marinette? What's wrong?!" He bent down and put a hand on my face, wiping away a few of the tears on my cheek. The bangs irrupted at the school gates and be pulled me into the room out of sight. "Mari please tell me I don't like seeing you like this!" He appeared to be genuinely worried and that made me even more upset.

"I can't-" I paused as I realised what I was saying. I couldn't reveal my identity so I was forced to pretend I was just scared. "I'm ok really, go save Paris!" I mumbled and tried to smile. "I'm just a bit scared that's all."

Before he could say anything else, the door burst open in a sea of purple butterflies. I knew immediately who it was and I was terrified. This wasn't the right time.

"Lady Wifi is back, and my connection is stronger than ever!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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