The Plan

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"It's not your fault"


"Your mother loves you"


"I'm not scared, promise"


That's all they ever do, lie. Well, I'm done humoring your sick little antics I'm done with being locked in a cell underground for "my own good". I'm tired of being treated like some specimen being pricked by needles and seeing how strong I am or how long I can take a beating.

I'm going to burn "my home" to the ground. Starting after Mrs.Roesi comes in for my daily doses to "calm me down". When she comes in she lets her guard down. it's become so routine that they don't fear me anymore. That means she'll have her key on her if I need it. With her guard down she'd be wide open for me to knock her out with a good punch to the face. She'd be down in seconds.

Next the two guards at the door, they have little to no strength only intimidation, they do have swords mostly useless then, but there's two. Once they see me and they sound the alarm I'm screwed. I could knock one down before then but the second guard has time, a couple of seconds but that's all he needs.

So I'd have to wait, call for help, say that Mrs.Roesi fainted. They'd be stupid enough to fall for it. All muscles no brains. They aren't completely without basic human instincts. Being wary one will come in while the other will stay at the door to keep watch. When the guard comes he'd start asking questions while having his sword pointed at me, so obviously I get Mrs.Roesi's body and throw it at him and he'll catch her dropping the sword and I come in with a swift kick to knock him out.

Boom 2/3 done with the holding floor. Grab the sword and stab the other guard at the door, no one will notice. Hopefully. If not what's a few more of them once I'm out the door? My main goal is to set this place on fire, leaving nothing but a pile of ashes. With me as the ultimate victor.

Coming back to reality Mrs.Roesi comes in. I can't help but smile. "well you seem to be in a happy mood."

Time to begin.

a/n:i'm not entirely happy with this chapter if you have  suggestions please please tell me 

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