Chapter 1

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Here ya go!! Happy reading! Please vote and comment ideas! ILYSM!!

Chapter 1:

Tris:Everyone stares at me in awe. Especially my dad. I guess they never thought I would've chaged being in Dauntless, but I did. Dauntless. All the memories come back to me in a rush. " I want to know everything," I say. " I want to know how I got here, Where are my friends, how are my parents still alive, and How I'm not dead." 

--Time lapse-- 

All my questions are answered.

How I got here:

I was shot in my stomach and healed immediatley and brough back here. Whereever here is. People were told I was dead and I was "cremated" but it was another body that was found. No one could tell the difference betweenmy ashes and some strangers.

Where my friends are:

They all think I'm dead, apparently it's for there own good. And they resumed on with there lives after mouring my death, thinking that if I was dead that that is what I would've preferred. I mean that is was i would perfer, but I'm not dead. Or so i'm told. 

How my parents are alive:

Once again, something big is going down and we had to get out of there. They faked there deaths and got me out as soon as possible. 

How I'm not dead:

I was healed and all. (refer to earlier when i explained it).

"What about Tobais?" I ask. After no one answeres, my dad sighs. "Sit down" he says. I do as I'm told. He tells me that something went wrong while my "death" occurred.  He says, " No one knows what happened but, I'm sorry Beatrice, he's gone." I don't even care he said my full name, my old name. All i can think is that there's no way. It's not possible, he can't be dead. But then relization hits me like getting run over by a bus 10 times. (Ok, maybe worse but just to give you an idea.) I'm in tears and hyperventalating and then everything goes back.

--Time Lapse--

I wake up in a room. I sit up and relaize that i'm on a bed. Then everything comes rushing back to me. Tobais. I start crying and am hyperventilating. And then my parents, David, and the boy from earlier come rushing in. Then, once again, everything goes black. 

Tobais: (ok to clear things up, he is alive, but everyone, including Tris thinks he's dead.)

I had to start new. I couldn't stand the looks people would always give me. They weren't bad looks, they just looked at me like I'm a kicked puppy. I loved Tris, i still do in a way, but i just wanted to forget, so I don't wake up missing her. And it's kind hard to foget when people are always sorry for you. Tris would want me to continue on with my life and no just sit there and cry and miss her. I figuried out that if that's what she would want me to do, I want to do it. I will do it. So i faked my death and left everything behind. Even though there wasn't much sinceTris is gone. 


It kills me to see Tris in so much pain. I see it in her eyes, she'll never be able to move on. I need to talk to her, I have invented a new serum. It will make her pain go away. She'll still remeber Tobais, but  she won't be crying as much. She'll be able to move on. It's kind've hard to explain but I'll try to tell her anyway. I look at eveyone in the room and say,"May I talk to Tris, alone." Everyone nods there head in agreement and they walk out. Tris wakes up and she looks at me and we stare at each other but I'm the one to break the silence first.


David looks at me and says, "Tris I can help you, I have invented a new serum. It will make you be able to move on, but you'll still remeber Tobais. It will take all of the grieving away." I think about it for a while. I'll still remeber him but I won't cry as much anymore, I'll be able to move on. I know thats what he would want me to do, so I nod my head and say, "Yes, I'll do the serum." David smiles, one of those smiles that he is glad he can help. He gets up and hugs me. He asks," When do you want to do take the serum?" "Now" I say. 

Cliffhanger! Ok, so i was wondering if the next chapter should pick up right were it left off or if there should be a time lapse to after Tris took the serum. Oh and the boy that Tris doesn't know the name of, his name is Warner. Just Tris doesn't know that yet. Anyways comment what you think! if you have any ideas, just comment them! ILYSM!! Happy Memorial Day!!! 


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