Author's Note- Its Important

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Straight to the point...!!

The sequel for LTE wasn't planned but since many readers were really disappointed with its ending, I had to give this
Ok, so now you must have read the character sketch and all of you would be knowing that Sakshi is the look- alike of Sonakshi.

Frankly speaking, this isn't the best plot that I could think for the sequel of LTE, but then its the only plot that I can think of which fulfills the conditions and expectations of a reader.

Such as,

1. Story should have a happy ending
2. Dev should be happy
3. And, everyone wants Devakshi together
4. Plus, Devakshi as their couple name

However, as Sonakshi has passed away, she can't come back in his life....

And readers would want a girl opposite Dev which should be played by none other than ERICA FERNANDES.

Keeping everything in mind, I had to settle for this, and that is the reason I decided the name of the female lead as 'Sakshi', which is similar to Sonakshi so that the couple name could still be 'DEVAKSHI'

Sincere apologies for bringing this cliche theme shown in various Bollywood Movies since times immemorial.

But still, I will try my best to make the FF as realistic as possible


Someone Like You- LTE Season 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें