Humble (Zack Merrick of All Time Low)

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Um...yeah so...this was inspired by a few conversations and I must say I freaked when I got the whole idea. I've never really wrote in this perspective before, sorry if it sucks. Enjoy. It is an R Rating for a reason ;-)


"Go away, stop looking at me." You groan hiding your face.

Your hair is a mess; you look like hell, although feeling fantastic! Swatting your arm in the air, you giggle feeling his hand on your side. Some days you really, really hate him but he makes it impossible to stay mad for too long. Even when he is driving you up a damn wall, annoying the living soul right out of you, you still love and adore him. People say he's quiet and shy. You used to think so too, how you miss the awkward, quiet and shy guy you first met.

"No, I like looking at you. You're cute when you're embarrassed."

"Zack, stop it!" You demand, hiding you head further in his chest, groaning when he mocks you. Hitting him in the chest, you giggle. "Fuck you, Merrick."

"Again? Well...if you insist." He teases you, kissing the top of your head. "Twice in one evening wasn't enough for you? God and they call Jack horny."

You only roll your eyes and shake your head at him, still hiding your face as you turn another shade of red. Wrapping his arms around your body, pulling you closer, Zack rests his chin on the top of your head, blowing a strand of your insanely high messy bun out of his face. You smile to yourself when he takes a deep breath, just taking in your scent. He once told Rian that it makes him feel creepy, but he loves the way you always seem to smell so feminine and delicate, despite your strong persona. Rian's girlfriend over heard this of course and she just had to go and blab it to you, telling you how cute it was!

Agreeing, you decided to keep it a little secret between you and Cassadee. You tell each other little things like that all the time, no doubt if and when Alex and Jack ever hook up or find girls of their own you'll let them in on the secrets that you over hear as well. Well, maybe. You giggle for no reason, causing Zack's body to vibrate; you know he is chuckling to himself at the sound of your giggle, even though he had no idea why you're laughing.

"Someone's happy." Zack comments, his hands on your shoulders as he moves you gently back away from your hiding spot, to look you in the eye.

"Weren't you tired, about two hours ago?" You ask, cocking your head to the side, smiling sweetly at him.

"I had my nap, remember?" He asks like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "I like that smile." He comments with a wink. "But I'd like your lips better wrapped around my..."

"Zachary!" You practically scream at him hitting him with an open palm on the side of his face. "Be nice!"

He only chuckles a little more, ignoring the fact you hit him a little harder than intended.

"You have band practice in the morning; Alex will kill you if you're late. Go to sleep." You tell him firmly, changing the subject trying not to get flustered.

"I don't want to go, I may just call and tell him I'm staying home, with you, in bed..." he pauses and smirks. "All day."

"Zack!" You squeal at him. "You have to go to practice! Plus, I have stuff I need to get done so we can't just stay in bed all day."

"Okay, if you want I suppose we could just use the kitchen or the living room. Maybe the bathroom, hell even the garage if you want to get really adventurous." Zack laughs, knowing he's bothering you.

You were almost asleep when you felt him gawking at you like a creeper. You'd share this comment, but it would only embarrass him, seeing as you'd met when All Time Low was playing a gig in your hometown and Zack had been in the local park taking photos. He had spotted you walking your dog, when you caught him taking your photo and confronted him by yelling at him to stop gawking like a creeper. Making up for the upset, he insisted you be his personal guest for the next evening's show.

Humble (Zack Merrick of All Time Low)Where stories live. Discover now