Chapter 28:Trying to tell him sorry

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Jimin needed time to recover from what had happened so I was there with him being his consoling shoulder anytime he needed me.

I had been there for him each time.I did all I could to comfort him cos he was so broken.

From time to time he spoke to them on phone and face time and all that.I was there too with him when he did that.

Me too I missed them so.

I didn't know what to do to completely cheer him up anymore.Well am just a girl and a friend so I can't replace his friends not ever.

But at least I wanted to fill a little space in his heart.

Weeks past

Jimin was kinda becoming better but not exactly I kept on being by his side but it was getting a little annoying.

Sometimes he wouldnt even look at me. I kinda felt like it was my fault for them leaving cos it was like I was being punished.

I became really frustrated once that I couldn't do anything and just yelled.

"Yaaahhhh jiminie look at me am here am I some kind if furniture,decoration or what.I've been trying my best to comfort you but you won't budge.Do you even know how hard it is for me?"

He just sat there looking at me without saying anything.

I really wanted for him to say something but this silent treatment is all he gave me.its the worst thing ever

"Ugghhh am so done..Am outta here"
I said as I stormed out of his room and banged the door shut.

I sat at home and thought about what I had said to jimin.I felt really bad and just wanted to apologize.

His brothers were gone away from him now so he should be like that.I shoulda been more understanding of him.

"How dumb aiishh" I said aloud by myself in my room.

I tossed and turned on my bed,thinking of how I will apologize to him.I thought of calling him several times and I also thought of texting him.

Evening reached and I decided to call him.

I tried calling him several times but he won't pick.

Is he really that mad at me for yelling like that.??

He should be was bad of me.

I really screwed up.

"Isn't he picking up.?"Jessie asked me.

I came waking up and down trying to call and soon his phone wasn't ringing anymore.

"He's nooott"

The number you have dialed is unavailable at the moment please try again later.

This was the new thing I heard now.I became worried.I just wanted to go meet him.

I wanted to go but y/n told me to wait.

I became so impatient.

Theres something about today am forgetting today I wonder what it is.

Aiishhh curse my forgetful memory.

Hours later...

"Try calling him again..."Jessie said.

I tried his number he didnt pick and I tried one more time and he picked it up.

"Jiminah am..."

"Y/n don't .... Its dangerous ... It can get you killed don't call me no more."

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