Two: The Reply

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Narrator POV
Jimin was in a bandof 7 and there was a huge problem
amongst the guys so they temporarily disbanded. Each of them went their own separate ways. They said their goodbyes to each
other; each feeling extremely saddened by the recent events.

Jimin went to his hometown Busan. There, his parents
forced him to go to
school but Jimin hated school so much and had no
desire of going but his parents were persistent until he finally went. He was treated like a star in school for a while but it didn't last long because he was angry at the fact that he was in school in in the first place and had to pour out his aggression on someone. Therefore, this lead him to start bullying
innocent students in his school.

He was a badass and a total wreck. Until one day when
he was bullying a student like usual, Y/N came along and interrupted, he then
took her as a target. Y/N had been in love with Jimin for a very long time and even
though Jimin was a bully, she couldn't just hate him and leave him alone.
Even though Jimin
bullied her, she didnot mind at all or at least she tried not to.

Y/N had been sending Jimin so many messages when
he was an idol and even kept sending more when he and his group separated.
But still no reply was ever received. She persisted and
continued to send

It's after class right
now and oh.... I HAVE DETENTION!. I
immediately started running towards the class room used for detention, when Park Jimin comes
out of nowhere in front of me and blocks my way.
I try hard to avoid him but he kept blocking my path.
I try moving to the left, he moves to the left too. I try moving to the right and he
does the exact same
He does this as he stares straight into my eyes. I feel so nervous right now. My heart is banging into my chest, threatening to pop
right out of my rib cage. That's how fast it's beating.
I can feel the sweat forming on my forehead. I can't
bare looking into his eyes, it's impossible to look into Park Jimin's eyes, so I
decide to look down
towards the ground,clutching tightly on
to my books.

"Where do you think your going?" he asks me (more
like states) with his arms folded together across his

"I..... I... ummmm..."stammer because I can't exactly speak properly at the
moment. He then bends down slightly to meet my eyes, once again I try to
avoid his stares.You what? silly sally,"he says.
All I reply with is a broken sentence of
"I.... I"because I'm
literally frozen right now. My brain isn't functioning properly. Jimin gives me
an evil smirk, then stand up straight as he still looks at
me in the eye for
a moment then throws all my books out of my hands on to the floor. He removes my glasses and throws on to the ground too. I just stand
there with tears almost forming in my eyes. He then walks away; nudging me
hard on the shoulder, causing me to stumble to the side. As he leaves my
sight, lonely tear drops fall from my eyes one by one.....

'This was the guy
I loved and could
never stop thinking
about. Why is this
happening to me?
I want to hatehim but I can't,'
I thought to myself.

Jimin POV
I am finally out of class waiting for her to come but I don't see her. She's wast-
ing my time."Uggh- hhhhh", Finally here comes Y/N. I can clearly see she's in a
hurry but I don't give a donkeys ass. I decided to block her way so make my way to her. She struggles to avoid me and just walk
away but I keep continuing to block her way. Ilook her
straight into her eyes as I do so to intimidate her more.
I can see that work efficiently.

"Where do you think
your going?"I ask her but she avoids my eyes (and
question) and looks to the ground.
I..I.... ....... ummmmm... " she stammers.
I can tell she's terrifed of me. Watching her squirm
and be nervous under my gaze makes me happy because it acts like a pain
reliever to me."You what? silly sally"I bend over
and say to her.
I just realised I don't even know her name but eh, like I said I don't care about
her. I call her silly sally because she looks silly and weird to me.

'There you go, avoid my eyes because I know you can't look at me now.' I think to myself. She's still
stammering. I can't even look at her anymore. decide to knock her books down and throw her glasses along with them too because they
are so god damn awful..... while walking away I made
sure to push her tothe side.
With all my problems right now, it's a perfect reason
to have as much as distractions as possible. And this girl whatever her
name is, is the perfect distraction.

~skip to after

I am backhome and tired AF. I sit down and decide to check my messages and
any emails I might have gotten. Just then I see a reply to one of the many
emails I had sent to Jimin.
I can't believe my eyes. I must be dreaming, I pinch
my self to make sure I'm not dreaming.

'I'm alive and breathing........ GOD its real', I scream aloud out of excitment and jessie
comes running in.

"What is it Y/ N?!?"asked Jessie arranging herselfin a position, ready to attack whatever made me scream.

ME!!!!' I say, with happiness flowing through out my
whole body.

"So that's why you
made me panic?" says Jessie "aigooo you crazy girl,"she adds on as she leaves the room, pushing my head
to the side in the process.
I quickly turn around to read what Jimin had written to me. This is what he

Dear Y/N,
Thanks for the messages you sent to me. I am really
sorry I'm replying only now due to there being so many
others to reply too.I'mreally grateful to hear the kind words you have been writing to me even thought I am not famous anymore.
I've been abandoned by most of my fans but still thank you for the consoling
Gomawo Y/N
sincerely, Park

I find myself reading
the message over and over again. I'm so happy about this.

"But wait a second...... Is this
the same Jimin who bullies me? It cant be. He keeps
getting me confused all the time, aigoo Jiminine"I say to

'Whatever I don't care' I think after. I seize the opportunity to reply again to his message.

Dear Jiminah,
I can't believe you replied to me,I'm screaming so much right now. I just want you
to know that I'll always be your fan till the grave. You
don't ever have to worry about me stopping to be you
fan because I am your NUMBER ONE fan. Also I'll be here for you if you ever
need me or anything anytime.
Love, Y/N

I'm smiling so much right now my cheeks are slowing beginning to ache. I feel as if it might burst any minute. It may just go POP like
a balloon. 'Oh god, help me'.
I end upfalling to sleep whilst smiling from ear to ear.

Jimin POV
I got back home anddecided to check my emails and
messages. There seeing what she wrote back in her reply made me smile. I'm actually smiling to myself right now alone, I probably
look crazy. But this girl's words touched my very soul and im glad but the thing is, would these words stop me from bullying
that silly girl. ??

Am sorry if my story is lame.😞😞
but to those who read it please tell me what u think.please comment

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