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I touch my drawing and say summon and then there was a huge bright light which lasted 5 minutes when I died down my crew was surrounding me. I look at them and smile, they smiled back until Sanji heard Ivankov calling his name then hid behind franky.

we all still look the same way we did when we started our journey three years ago and all the marines noticed that. its the straw hat pirates they are all here someone screamed. we all chuckled.

I turned to Nami, dad said we can show the real us now no need to hide any longer. she smirked and lifted up her weapon to dispel the mirage over us just as the marines started to retreat.

perfect timing.


luffy pov

A wall started to rise in front of the marines when a shimmer in the air in front of us disappeared and out came

Brook= tall and in colourful clothing with his sword on him his hat had changed as well.

Franky= he was huge and looked more like a robot than any thing but he still had his classic Speedo on.

Robin= her hair was longer, she had a kinder look to her face, you could see muscle on her and her chest grew.

Chopper= still a small reindeer but with a blue hat on.

Sanji= has facial hair now, is taller more muscular and more manlier, his hair had grown longer too.

Usopp= his hair grew, facial hair, more muscular and manlier he also doesn't look like a wimp anymore.

Nami= grew out her hair, changed her outfit has more muscles, stronger, chest grew bigger

Zoro= different sword, more muscles, scar across his eye, different clothes and finally can  find the crew without getting lost most of the time.

and me Luffy= well I am a girl, long hair, quite a large chest but what can you say, a scar under my eye still a red vest and shorts but its a long vest open to reveal my black bikini top, blue shorts and a yellow sash.

everyone stops and stare at us with a wtf expression I just laugh then scowl because I see the executioners walking up the many stairs. I turned to my crew and said there is approximately 1,000,000,000 marines here I will be disappointed if you don't at least get 10,000 marines each. I mean come on, why did we train all those years? I asked the last part in a teasing tone which the crew caught on to and the all visibly flinched I smirked.

straw hat crew pov

Disappoint her, not today Satan not today. WE WILL GET MORE THAN 10,000 marines on the ground in no time!

no ones pov

The straw hat pirates had a fire of determination surrounding them. Then they all vanished from where they where standing but appeared around the battle field with Sanji and Zoro still beside Luffy. Luffy looked up and shouted Sengoku you shitty bastard don't you fucking retreat behind the wall which will rise in 2 minutes, yes I know about you trying to execute Ace early. and before you announce something to the whole fucking world, get your shitty ass facts right. Monkey D. Dragon never had a son called Monkey D. Luffy he had a DAUGHTER called Monkey D. Luffita. So HA in your face, thank you grandpa you don't need to keep it in anymore.

Monkey D. Garp who was still getting shouted at by his son heard his granddaughter address him he looked up and said "okay Luffy I'm sorry, but this secret I held in for the longest time and I almost told him this morning." he finished talking to Luffita so he started to talk to Dragon who went quiet when Luffy started to shout.

^look I'm sorry son I couldn't do anything to save her but I can save your daughter her friends and your nephew." Garp said solemnly

^I know father, but please don't let anything happen to Ace or Luffy. goodbye



silence went through the battlefield.

luffy pov

i sweat drop, and then scream at the same time as Ace. you stupid fucking old man! huh, so much for keeping the rest of the secret!

your cousins? a random pirate screamed.

No shit how the hell do you think we look so similar. I stated in a deadpan voice

Sengoku who was behind his wall with all his soldiers who were looking as if nothing can beat them they are indestructible, ha they wish. I heard Akainu ask the question which was on everyone's mind. who was your mother?

shishishishishishihsishishishishishi well that's the question of the day isn't it eh? I asked in a laughing tone mocking him.

I sighed, well if you really want to know it was Gol D. Rogers little sister Gol D. Crystal ( I made her up). there was gasps of shock and I chuckled and smirked while speaking to Sanji and Zoro, I bet you 1000 beli each that that wall wont stand our weakest attacks huh. they smirked while saying alright lets. we walked forward to the wall then ran

Gomu Gomu no




Kick Course


the wall shattered within us touching it .

Sanji was muttering, stupid shitty marines cant even build a strong wall. I giggled he turned to me and I said loud enough for everyone to hear GO WILD!  they smirked and vanished. so did I, I reappeared close to the execution stand but Akainu got in my way. I whispered go away you motherfucking asshole of a marine who doesn't do anything else than spout crap about justice, aye right my justice is better than yours you shitty marine. he heard me and started to say how ace isn't meant to live how he is  demon spawn and i am double how he is going to kill ace first then my crew before my eyes then he will kill me. I finally lost all sense of myself and I started to catch fire and i was moving so fast I encased my arms in haki and sat on his back and repeatedly whacked his head against the ground till there was a creator but some of his magma escaped and burned my chest I couldn't feel it because of the adrenaline. i could barely see anything I was blinded by rage that I diidnt see arms appearing on my body holding me down so chopper can heal me. the arms were still holding me down when i was healed but I regaining myself so I stopped thrashing and let out a very large burst of haki nocking all the marines up to the vice admirals unconscious.

Robin let go of me and my crew as one said in a whining voice


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