My New Home

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    I didn't see Alexander for the entirety of the voyage. Even though I made small talk with many of the other passengers during dinners and such, I felt a tad bit lonely. I couldn't help it; he had an engaging attitude that actually made me interested in simple conversation. We'd only spoken for about half an hour, but I already considered him a friend.

    Five long, boring days later, we arrived at NYC harbor. It was chaos trying to get of the ship; everyone was crowding each other, squishing each other with their luggage, pushing and shoving in desperate attempts to make it off the boat first. "Dear God, calm down! The city isn't going anywhere!"

    As I reached the top of the ramp leading down onto the port, I peered down at the masses below. At the far edge of the crowd, I could see my uncle Phillip Schuyler and his 17 year-old daughter Peggy standing near a carriage. I made my way towards them as quickly as I could, and they smiled when they saw me.

    "Evie, you're finally here!" Peggy squealed, practically throwing herself into my arms. "I've missed you so much!"

    "I've missed you too," I laughed, squeezing her tight. "It's been far too long!" Without letting go of her, I looked up to meet my uncle's eyes. "Hello, Uncle Philip."

    "Hello, my dear," he replied. "How was your voyage?"

    "It was alright," I hummed. "It wasn't fantastic, but it could've been much worse."

    "Very good. Here, give me your bag." I handed him my suitcase and he put it on one of the seats. "Now, get in, girls. I think it's about time Evangeline saw her new home!" We laughed and piled into the carriage.

    "Ooh, guess what?" Peggy giggled as we began to move.


    "Angelica just arrived last week!"

    "No!" I gasped. "Really?!"

    "Yes!" she laughed. "We told her last month that you were coming to live with us, and she wrote back that she was hopping on the next ferry to NYC!"

    "What about John?" I inquired, referring to Angelica's husband, John Church.

    "He had to stay in London for business reasons," she replied. "He sends his regards to you, though!"

    As we rode upstate, I began to worry about whether or not I would be a burden on my uncle and cousins. I couldn't ask them; they would say no, and that I was being silly. Maybe I was, but I the thought still plagued my brain.

    Well, if anything, I sure didn't doubt that there was plenty of room for me! When we arrived at the Schuyler estate, I looked out my window. My jaw nearly dropped at the sight:

    "Welcome home, Evie!" Peggy purred

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    "Welcome home, Evie!" Peggy purred. 

    "Go on and head inside, girls," Uncle said as the carriage door opened. He looked at me and smiled. "Eliza and Angleica can't wait to see you."

    Peggy and I raced each other to the front door, giggling and nearly tripping on our dresses. As we burst through the front door, she grabbed my arm and dragged me inside.

    "GUESS WHO'S HERE!!!" she yelled. Seconds later, the sound of footsteps were heard thumping across the floor above us, and we could hear high-pitched, excited chatter. After a moment, two women appeared at the top of the stairway, faces bright with joy.

    "Angelica! Eliza!" I squealed.

    "EVIE!" they shrieked, rushing down the stairs. They ran over to where we were standing and immediately pulled me into an embrace. Peggy joined in for a group hug.

    "Oh, Evie, I'm so glad you're here!" Eliza gushed. "When Father first told us that you were coming to live with us, I could hardly believe it, yet here you are!"

    "Thank you, Eliza. I can't tell you how thankful I am to be staying with you!" I turned to my eldest cousin. "Angelica! What I surprise! I wasn't expecting to see you here!"

    "And miss the opportunity to see my favorite cousin? I think not!" she exclaimed. "How are you, dear?"

    "Better now that I'm here," I replied.

    "Girls," Uncle Philip began, walking through the door. "Would one of you show Evangeline to her room?"

    "I'll do it, Daddy!" Peggy chirped, taking my suitcase from him. "Follow me, Evie!"

    "I think all three of us will actually," Eliza laughed. My cousins ushered me upstairs and down the hallways until we came to a stop in front of one of the doors.

    "This used to be my room," Angie told me. "But since I don't live here anymore, it's yours now!" She opened the door to reveal a lovely yet modest bedroom with lavender walls and a white carpet. "We had the walls repainted to suit you better. You do still like lavender, right?!"

    "I love lavender," I confirmed, "Thank you." I took my bag from Peggy and set it on the bed. It was a little dark in the room, so I walked over to the window and pulled back the curtains. Through the window, I had a lovely view of the uptown part of the city.

    Suddenly, I felt someone link their arm with mine. It was Peggy. A moment later, Eliza appeared at my other side, Angie beside her. We all stared out of the window for a while in silence.

    "I really can't thank you enough," I said quietly. All three ladies turned their heads to look at me.

    "For what?" Eliza inquired curiously.

    "For allowing me to come live with you...." I answered.

    "Oh, Evie. There's no need thank us," Peggy giggled, hugging my arm. "You're family; we have to support each other! Don't we, girls?" Eliza and Angie nodded eagerly in agreement.

    "Besides," Eliza added softly. "After everything that happened in Birmingham, you deserve a fresh start." I smiled and squeezed her hand; she squeezed back.

    For the first time in a long while, I felt elated. This was my new home. I'd already accepted it, and I couldn't wait to see what my future had in store for me.


Never Be the Same: Act I (A Hamilton AU) **ON HOLD**Where stories live. Discover now