A little bit of back story before we hop in:
Hey everyone! I am Maya, i'm 19 years old and love reading. I've always been on wattpad and though i've never published a thing and would much rather my personal account stay private, i've got drafts upon drafts of one shots and un-finished stories crowding my laptop.
Now, because of my severe lack of participation within the community for so many years, I wanted to do something that would inspire all rising, new or up-and-coming writers- create an awards page/competition!
With my love of reading, knowledge on literacy, history with all types of genres in my hand, I created this account: Aspire To Write Awards, and will be judging as well!
*I don't know if there will be more judges, but we'll get to that in a bit*
And that is how The Teen Tales Award 2018 came to be.
In the future, as we all grow, I will obviously be doing more and different types of awards within poetry, romance, werewolf etc, but we'll discuss that afterwards.
My goal is to not only *aspire* our new writers, who are inevitably the future of wattpad, acknowledge and appreciate the ones with noteworthy talent, but I also wish to create a community.
A community of young writers- not only those young in age, but those young and raw in talent. A community that appreciates and encourages. Most of all, a community with a burning passion, a desire and a spark for writing.
So with that said, please do enter or at least share this book/account with at least one person.
The Teen Tales Awards 2018 - JUDGING
Teen FictionTEEN FICTION AWARDS 2018 // JUDGING // Read through this book to learn how to enter for the all-new Teen Fic Competition! Remember to Share!