Hey guys!! I can't sleep lol. Just watched an awesome animation series called twelve, the ending made me cry so much, it was amazing!!
Anway, not what I wanted to talk about. So I have been thinking, in this dark, warm, warm, room of mine... if you have shower thoughts out of the shower then why are they called shower thoughts still unless a shower thought doesn't always count as a shower thought since it is happening out of the shower and it happens both in and out of the shower... so calling a shower thought a shower thought out of the shower makes it the same thing even whenever you are out of the shower meaning the name doesn't mean in the shower completely unless showering and thinking outside of shower thoughts isn't included??
I need sleep. Nahhh! Wait yeah... lol 4:00 A.M. guuurlll getcho as in bed... wait I am in bed... oh well, i need the beauty rest haha.
Night night my lovelies!! ♡♡♡♡
I am sorry for having a shower thought out of the shower while explaining how a shower thought occures even in and out of the shower making a shower thought a thing to be had everywhere and in the shower yet exclusive to the title of shower thought.
Okay for real.
Good night!! ;3