School Boys (Smut)

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ok so this is another idea i stole from a gerardsdaddy post on tumblr lol oops but anyways i hope this goes well bc idk what im gonna do with it but lets wing it right?
Gerard's POV

Today was it. I wasn't going to deal with that punk and his friends anymore. You would have thought he would have been kicked out by now, it was a catholic school after all. The amount of kids he bullied and the tattoos on his neck were definitely not allowed, but then again, I don't think what I planned on wearing today was either.
But, I was sick of having to hide myself because of the fear I had of Frank Iero. His constant gay jokes and slurs had frustrated me to the point of not being able to care anymore, and since we weren't kids any longer, he stopped beating me up. Being called a fag didn't bother me as much as it would have three years ago, and I also know for a fact that I wouldn't be able to pull off this skirt three years ago either. Thank goodness for puberty.

My palms were slightly sweaty when I walked into school, and I almost went home to change, but it was too late now. I was tired of hiding. I went down the hall to my locker, earning a couple of weird glances. I kept my head down and rushed to put my books away. Once I unlocked it, I stared at my reflection in the mirror I had inside. God, what was I thinking? I probably look ridiculous. I wanted to go home and cry but my inner little was smiling, enjoying being comfortable in pretty clothes out in the open, even if it was just a skirt instead of my normal uniform with pants.
My internal battle halted as a slam against my locker made me jump.
"You new, princess?" a voice from behind me purred, one that I could identify from a crowd. I shook slightly from fear as I felt a hand go up the back of my thigh.
I turned around before he could do anything else.
"Wh- Gerard? The fuck, you fag!" He spat.
I sighed and rolled my eyes.
"Pretty sure you were the one just trying to feel up another boy."
He growled. "I thought you were a girl, you fucking-"
I stopped him before he could continue with more slurs.
"Just leave me alone, please? It's just a skirt. I'll dress how I want." I said, slightly losing confidence.
"Just a skirt, huh? You look like a fucking slut." He said it with malice but his eyes were roaming in places that made my stomach tingle, and his mouth was slightly hung open.
"I should teach you a lesson for dressing like this. You better be in the janitor's closet after second period or your beating will be worse."
I nodded, on the verge of tears. I knew I should've worn it, stupid me. He hasn't beat me up since seventh grade, but I guess he changed. Usually the names I can deal with, but if I come home with a bloody nose my brother will ask a million questions. I swallowed my tears before making my way to first period, hoping that it would drag by slowly today.

The bell that signaled second period was over rang, and I almost wanted to cry. I made my way to the janitor's closet as fast as possible. If I was late, it was sure to be worse. I opened the door and sniffled, but thankfully Frank wasn't there yet. I should have brought a change of clothes, but no. Stupid Gerard.
When the door opened, my heart stopped. Fear came over me when I saw him walk in, grinning at me.
"You had to have known this was coming. I can't have a fag like you walk around these halls. Especially not in that." he motioned to my skirt.
He pulled over a chair from the corner of the room and sat on it. He patted his thigh.
"Wh-" I started, confused.
"Come on, you know what to do. Across my lap." He said sternly.
I hesitated. Was he really doing what I thought he was doing? Where did this come from? This wasn't like any other time he bullied me, and this definitely wasn't something I wouldn't enjoy, so why was he doing it? My mind raced as I willed my princess parts to calm down. He didn't mean it in that kind of way, right?
"I said. Across. My. Lap. Now, slut, or you'll get 10 more." He growled.
I shakily walked over, looking down in shame as my face turned red. He was being so... dominant? But not as usual, more like a daddy than just a bully. I knew he didn't mean it that way, but I could at least pretend.
I bit my tongue to refrain from saying, "Yes, Daddy," before I laid across his lap.
He hummed in appreciation, using one hand to lift up my skirt, making me squeak, and used the other to grab onto my bum, giving it a light smack.
I squirmed uncomfortably before whining slightly.
"Shut up. I'm giving you 10, and you're going to count and thank me, and then, I'm going to fuck you so hard against the wall you won't think about leaving your house looking like this again. Got it?"
My face heated up and I nodded so fast it almost hurt, but he got the idea as he hit my bum for the first time, harder than I expected.
"One, thank you." I breathed out.
"Aren't you missing something, baby boy?" He said, and I could hear the smirk in his voice as my face flushed with embarrassment again.
His hand came down again, this time I correctly thanked him.
"Two, thank you, D-Daddy." I stuttered out, nervous that he would hurt me more for the name.
"Good job. Keep going." He said, and I continued thanking him until he was finished.
After 10, I got up, stumbling a little, and flipped my skirt down. I winced slightly from the pain, but nothing unbearable.
"Get up against the wall now, but keep the skirt on." Frank said as he loosened his tie before unbuckling his belt.
I did what he asked, loosening my shirt quickly before pulling my panties down while he watched with hunger.
I backed up as he walked towards me until my back hit the wall.
"Jump." He said simply, so I did. He caught me by my thighs and lifted me up.
"God, Gerard, you don't know what that fucking skirt does to me." He growled. "Walking in the school, looking like a fuckin' girl, making me want to ruin you."
I gasped a little at his words, and he leaned down to start leaving marks on my neck.
"Mine." He said, reaching up to replace his mouth with his hand, grabbing me by the neck and adding pressure, slightly restricting my air.
"You get off on shit like this, don't you? Want me to pound your little ass till you're crying? Show you a lesson since you're being so bad. Walking around like that, begging for attention from Daddy."
His words made me squirm, and at this point i was going to start pleading for him to touch me or do anything, but I was cut off as he pressed his bulge to mine, definitely being bigger than I expected.
I breathed out a sigh of relief, my hips stuttering and trying to push up as much as possible.
He realized this and used both his hands to hold my hips and press them against the wall so i couldn't move.
"Daddy, please, I-" I almost sobbed out.
"Shut up, bitch." He spat in my face. He reached down to lift my skirt as I blushed and closed my eyes in embarrassment. I wasn't exactly large, or anywhere near there.
He chuckled. "It's fitting for a little baby like you, huh?" He reached down and used his thumb to collect the precome at the tip, making me whine, before putting his thumb in my mouth.
Once I had licked it off, he took it out put his index and middle finger in my mouth, signaling to coat them in saliva.
He placed them against my hole, using one finger to circle around it, making me whimper.
"Please, please, just- ah!" I was cut off by him thrusting his finger in me, before adding another soon after.
"Daddy, please, just want you." I whined, wanting more than just his fingers. I squirmed against the wall again, signaling for him to hurry up.
He took his fingers out, and then managed to unbuckle his belt and tug his pants down. I wanted him in my mouth so badly, but i wanted him fucking me against the wall even more.
I whimpered when he pulled his boxers down, knowing this was going to be painful.
He grabbed the base of his cock, stroking, before spitting in his hand and rubbing it all over himself. I took a deep breath in, trying to brace myself for the pain that i knew was going to come. He lined himself up, before pushing in and causing me to scrunch up my face. He noticed and slowed down, leaning down to kiss me as a distraction. "You okay?" He asked, leaning his forehead against mine. I let out a small noise before nodding, wishing the pain would just go away. He moved again, this time I cried out a little from the stretch. "Please tell me you're all the way in, oh my god, ow." I breathed out, trying not to cry.
"Shit- no, just breathe, i'm almost halfway." He said, making me look up at him.
I nodded again, "Just go." I encouraged him. I felt him thrust in all the way, and i gasped so loud that if anyone was in the hall, they definitely heard.
"Shush, or i'll gag you." He growled. He picked up a pace and before I knew it i was moaning too loud for Frank's liking. He reached up and wrapped a hand around my throat, trying to soften my noises. Once he did that I could feel my eyes basically rolling to the back of my head. I could hear him chuckle before he went in at a different angle that made me want to scream. My hips jumped forward and a squeak came out, as much as i could manage with my windpipe being restricted.
"Fuck, yeah, right there huh?" He whispered in my ear. I whimpered in response before he let go of his grip on my neck, letting me breathe properly. I whined loudly before reaching a hand down to touch myself, causing Frank to smirk.
"Gonna come, baby boy? Around my cock yeah?" He said, causing me to blush and wiggle a little from embarrassment.
"Come on, do it. Wanna feel it." He growled. I breathed in sharply, knowing I was close, and with the way he was talking I knew it wouldn't take much more. I could feel myself rocking down onto him, right on the edge, my noises getting louder. "Daddy, faster, oh god, please, please, Daddy, I-" and with that I came all over my skirt, whining and babbling the whole time. He grunted, making a satisfied noise before I felt him come inside me. He rode it out before setting me down on my feet, looking around for a towel or cloth. He found one and tried to clean me up as best as he could, and I blushed when he reached down to wipe up his come that was leaking from my hole.
"I'm assuming you learned your lesson?" He said in an angry tone. I was shocked that he was back to his mean self that quick. My eyes watered while I nodded and looked up. He broke into a smile then and leaned down to kiss me. "Im kidding, pumpkin. I'd like to see you dress like this more often, yeah?" His expression was soft as he said that, and I nodded frantically with a small smile on my face.
"You wanna ditch and ill take you for ice cream? Or we can go to my house and you can watch some cartoons with Daddy? How does that sound?" He said, petting me on the head.
I smiled with my teeth, and we headed out of the school hand in hand.

bitch i done finished it. be proud. i am a lazy fucker but i did it. i hope u liked it & sorry for the wait lmao. i love u all. feel free to leave ideas for future oneshots. (no little frank though, sorey 👀) but yeah!!! thank u for reading my babies!!! until next time

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