Chapter 15

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Before this chapter starts I just want to say that it involves some graphic content and/or cussing! Thank you for understanding!

Annie's pov
I overhear that Brennan doesn't care about me cutting. I guess he might not care if I actually die. I start thinking that I can just relieve the pain by not being alive.
"Go get me a knife."
"No Annie. You can't do this!"
"I don't care. Brennan clearly doesn't care so that means no one else cares."
"Annie I care."
"No you don't I know you will take his side. I'm done with this world."
"Please don't leave me."
"Fine. I won't."
"Thanks Annie I love you."
"I love you too."
Katie really made me realize that he doesn't care, so what? It's only one person. I will be fine and I will get over this heartbreak with my best friend by my side.

Brennan's pov
I hear that Annie wants to die. First, her self harming now she wants to die. What has gotten into her? I think she has lost her mind. I can't let her do this. I need a plan to tell her to stop thinking this. Why am I trying to help her? What am I thinking? I don't like her like that. Ever since Caleb died, I had to set a brother figure for her and Hayley. I can't let her do this. I need to stop her now. But how?

Annie's pov
After everyone goes to sleep, I go to the kitchen to get a knife. I was heading back to Katie's room when I heard a knock at the door. I open the door to reveal Liv. We both just stand there for a couple seconds. I decide to close the door. I start heading back to Katie's room. When I'm halfway through the kitchen, she opens the door back up.
"Are you trying steal my Brennan from me?"
"No I am having a sleepover with Katie. So if you excuse me, I will be getting back to my sleepover."
"Why do you have a knife?"
"No reason. Why are you here?"
"Well, someone told me about your situation. That same person told me that you were trying to steal Brennan from me. Do you not know what happened between me and him today?
"Yea. You guys went on a date."
Good job! Is it true that you are trying to take him from me?"
"Well, be ready to die tonight."
"What?!?! Noooo!"
She gets the knife from my hand and stabs me right in the stomach. I scream. She just stands there for a couple seconds while I'm trying comprehend what just happened. She drops the knife and runs out the door. I hit the ground really hard. I couldn't take this anymore. Mrs. Jill comes out and sees me on the ground. She realizes that the door is open. She sees who is outside and sees Liv at the end of the street. She starts calling her name, but since Liv was running, she wasn't there anymore. I start blacking out. I don't remember much. Only thing I remember is Brennan coming out and realizing what is going on. He comes towards me and tell his mom to get the car. Mrs. Jill does what he says. Everything, then, turned black.

hope you enjoyed this chapter!(even if there was violence) what will happen next?

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