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"I've done enough." I repeated those expressions many times in my head. "I didn't do anything wrong."

I have butterflies in my stomach but those butterflies flew and blocked the flow of happiness in my heart. I wish I didn't do all those deeds and made all those decisions. Regretting those times choosing you instead of myself. If only I can turn back the time and say those words in front of you.

I will stand up, get back, and move on. Just wait and see what happen next.


"Rise and shine, sleepy head!" Ela bawl to wake me up. It always turns my day gaily. I smiled to her as I unclose my eyes "You go set yourself first and ingest your breakfast." She said and intent her way out. I did what she said and while going downstairs I saw her biding at the dining table, probably waiting for me.

"Bye! See you later!" Chortling in my mind how Ela play so mature. I'm heading to our old domicile and as I land, I already saw Tita Janny cleaning the room were all my foolishness in the past befall. Those dark past anamnesis that make myself perceive the pain. "Stop flying in your thoughts, dear" Tita chuckled, she know what I've been through. She was there all along guiding me but....

"What brought you here?" "Nothing. Myself brought me here, I guess" I replied because actually I didn't know either "I guess not" Tita said with a grin "Let's go inside and fill our tummy" my eyes brightened "Is my favorite there?" I asked. "Of course, dear"

Tita and I talked all day. She's like my real mom than my biological mother. Tita is the one who cares and loves me. I am always thankful having a person like her.

We bid our goodbyes when it's time for me to go.

Clasping this red roses, it is time to see and visit her.

The peaceful breeze, dusty wind, gloomy mood, and whispering of leaves. Here I am standing in front of the boneyard.

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