Chapter 23- i'm sorry that i find your lecture boring

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Chapter 23- i'm sorry that i find your lecture boring

"I still can't believe they won," Tyler starts as he mentions our book.

Apparently, when we compared everything and all the points, we found out that Cayson and I are leading by 9/10 points. Whereas Chris and Kate stand at 8/10 points.

I was shocked when I saw the results. The only point I missed was of their agreement towards Cayson. Of course the boys had to make sure that I don't get the point because I never do.

They always make sure that none of us girls get that last point. They are usually very possessive about us when it comes to guys.

I remember Chris, Ian and Tyler beat a guy to death when he misbehaved with violet. Of course I threw in couple of kicks and punches but the boys are very protective.

"She would've gotten 10/10 if you guys didn't vote against Cayson," violet debates.

"C'mon we aren't going to forgive him that easily for stealing Vee away," Tyler says as he starts tapping on the desk.

"Yeah and Kate stole another point by cheating. That's not fair," Chris whines like a little baby and I chuckle.

"Well, you agreed, I just asked," Kate says as she adjusts herself on the desk.

"Yeah, by low key seducing me, that wasn't fair," Chris starts whining again.

"Oh darling, everything is fair in love and war," she replies seductively near his ear and he sits up alerted now and frowns.

All of us laugh and talk until Mr. Helton walks into the class, his face angry as usual. He slams the books onto the desk as he's giving all of us a mean stare.

The chatter dies down quicker than usual and everyone settles down in their seats. The tardy bell rings and he opened a book and picks up a marker and goes towards the board.

Suddenly the door opens revealing Jerry, the drug dealer, who quickly makes his way to his seat. Helton doesn't notice Jerry walking in as he is too busy writing some notes on the board.

Almost after a minute the door opens again revealing Cayson, who looked like he was in a hurry. He slowly makes his way to his desk and as he is about to sit down, Helton turns around.

"Thank you for joining us Mr. Moore," he says and puts the marker down.

Cayson turns to face him as he sits down and snaps both of his fingers in a playful way and winks. "Glad to be here."

"I'd rather you go get a tardy pass," Helton replies back in a soft way.

"I'd rather you just mark me tardy. It will save many trees," Cayson winks and looks at me for a split second before flashing a smile in my direction.

I quickly look away and smile to myself. I start fidgeting with my fingers and look at Cayson who's still smiling at me and back at Helton, who's now looking at me.

The smile quickly vanishes from my face and I wear the bitch face again.


Am I blushing?

No. Really? Yes.

"Look at you blushing away," Kate teases me and I widen my eyes as a sign to shut up and she just smiles.

"Last warning," Mr. Helton says and he goes back to writing something on the board.

Cayson nods uninterested in what Helton is talking about and looks at me with a small smile. He pulls out his phone and types something on it.

Suddenly my phone vibrates in my back pocket and I pull it out. It's a text message from Cayson.

"Hey, I had an amazing time yesterday

I smile and look up to find him looking at me. When he sees the smile on my face, he also smiles. He starts typing again and my phone vibrates.

"You should smile more often, it really brings out your eyes. By the way, I didn't know I was going to get caught."

"I guess only some people can pull it off without getting caught."

"Ouch. That hurt."

"I'm still not apologizing."

"Damn it."

"If those phones are that dear to both of you then why don't you keep using them and drop out of my class," Helton says angrily and I tilt my phone towards the side and look at him.

"I'm sorry that I find your lecture boring but I already know all the muscles," I reply back and fake a smile and turn my phone off and put it on the side of my desk.

"Oh really?" He asks and I nod.

Does he forget that I have photographic memory and I have already memorized everything until the first nine weeks?

"Well then you won't have problem taking the pop quiz, would you?" He asks, a smirk playing on his lips.

He takes out a paper from his bag and gives it to me. I tilt my head sideways and scoff in disbelief. "Are you serious?"

He nods and goes back to teaching the class. I hear Chris and Ian curse under their breaths while Cayson looks angry as hell.

"Sure then," I reply back and pull out a pencil from my bag.

I examine the whole quiz and it all looks quite simple and easy. I smile and write my name at the top.

"Why don't we do this, this way? If I get 100 on this test, my friends also get 100," I add and his head shoots up and he glares at me.

"That is against school rules," he comments.

"Was it not last year? Because as far as I remember, you gave all of us a 50 because someone didn't take the quiz. If it works that way then why not this way?"

Many people start whispering and I could feel all eyes on me. Chris throws me a Thank-you look as well as Kate and Tyler. He clears his throat and continues.

"Well then, if you shall get 100 then the whole class gets 100 or else everyone gets 50," he demands and I smirk.

"Sounds good," I reply back and start answering all the questions and diagrams.

I close my eyes and a picture of the diagram pops in my head. I memorize it and quickly start writing down the answers.

I love it when the picture just pops up in my head. Sometimes all I get is bits and pieces but a lot of times, it pops up.

While he's teaching the whole class about the lesson, I quickly finish up the quiz. I slowly walk to his desk and put the paper down.

He turns to face me and lowers his glasses and smirks. "Well, let's see shall we?"

I walk my way back to my seat as takes a pen and starts to grade my paper. Everyone is at the edge of their seats as this would decide their second grade.

I sit back with a smile on my face as my friends are doing the same. They know me and my photographic memory. They know everyone is getting a 100.

"Thanks for mentioning it, I would've bombed it," Tyler whispers near my ear who's sitting right behind me.

"I do know that which is why I suggested. I knew none of you studied yesterday night," I whisper back and they smile at me.

He puts the pen down and hands me back my paper. "So?" One of the students ask.

"A 100 it is," I reply back and everyone cheered.

Suddenly my phone burped a text message and I open it to see.

"Thank you so much stavish. I would've failed if it weren't for you. I owe you big time. I love you."


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