Chapter 66- a gazillion times yes

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Chapter 66- a gazillion times yes

Slowly, my eyes open, as I notice everyone waiting for me in my room. Everyone is laying down in my room, wherever they could find a spot.

Mommy and mom are laying on the couch whereas daddy and dad are laying on another couch next to them. Mommy is tucked away in Mr Chivalry's arms while Aurora is laying on their laps.

Tyler, Violet, Kate, and Chris are laying on top of each other on the table whereas Ian, is sleeping on the chair next to me.

I try to pull my blanket up because it's cold, but soon realize that my hand is already captured by someone. I slowly look down to my left and notice Cayson, sitting up against the wall, holding onto my hand tightly with his eyes closed.

I smile and slowly caress his hand with my fingers.

It's so quiet right now.

I look at the time and notice that it's four in the morning. I have been out for almost twelve hours?! What the hell?

I take a deep breath in and look around, to find less machines and no tubes down my throat. I see tiny needle holes on my arms which was used during the transfusion.

My right arm is a bit sore but nothing really hurts. It's all just sore. The morphine is working really great in my case.

I sigh, still holding onto Cayson's hand. His hand is literally hanging down from the bed as it's holding onto mine and I decide to scoot a little closer to the edge so it would be more comfortable for him.

"Grr," I hear a soft snore escaping his lips, like a baby lion growling and I smile.

He moves away, pulling my arm with him. "Ah," I inhale sharply when the metal brushes past my wound and he quickly wakes up from his sleep and looks at me.

"Venus?" He whispers, getting up and standing next to my bed. "Are you okay? What happened? Is it hurting? Did I hurt you?"

I smile and shake my head sideways. "You know I'm not going anywhere right?" I say, weakly and his brows furrow in confusion.

I slowly squeeze his hand and he realizes what I'm talking about. "Oh, I'm sorry I never realized when I fell asleep last night."

He looks around, shocked as I was when I saw everyone laying in my room. "Guess they didn't realize it either."

He chuckles and I smile.

"Guess how the surgery went?" He excitedly starts and I shrug.

"Judging by my being alive, I'd say it was somewhat a success," I smile weakly and he nods.

"Yes," He whispers as his head dips down to mine and he rests his forehead against mine. "You are going to live Stavish, we are going to live. Together."

I smile as his forehead rests against mine. "I love you Stavish, so much," he whispers against my cheek and I smile.

"Of course I'd say that I love you more, but then again I know I am much more lovable."

He chuckles softly and pecks my lips before cupping my face in his soft hands. "I thought I would lose you, forever. I- I can't live without you Stavish, I really can't. Those three years had been hell for me. If you didn't show up when you did, I would've lost it completely. I already started losing it when you left and I didn't know what else to do other than drink."

His fingers slowly caress my cheeks and I feel the same burn in my pit as I did the first time he told me he loved me.

How he makes my heart swell and heal!

"So please Stavish, don't ever leave me," I could hear the desperation in his voice. "I wouldn't be able to live."

"I'm sorry," I whisper back, clutching his hand tightly into mine and he does the same.

"So, now for the, you not leaving part, I have an arrangement. It's quite simple actually," he whispers and my brows furrow in questioning.

He slowly lets go of my hand and takes a step back. Before I can process what's happening, he gets on his one knee and pulls out a small box out of his pocket.

"Before you freak out and run the other way, which you can't do, just think about this. I have loved you ever since you shared your deepest secret with me. When you told me that you were a bit off because of drugs, it melted me. I couldn't believe that you would trust me with your secret, a huge one at that fact. That's when I started falling for you, hard."

I close my eyes and a tear escapes my eyes. Butterflies are literally playing tag inside my stomach as I keep feeling them fluttering everywhere.

My hand covers my mouth and he smiles.

"I don't know what I would've done if I'd lost you yesterday. I'm so happy that you are here, by my side tonight. Every time I am with you, I feel like home. You have this way of making me feel different."

"Oh," I breath out.

"Venus stavish, would you make me the happiest and the luckiest guy on the face of earth, and become Mrs. little shit?" He asks, something shining bright in his eyes.


He pulls out the ring and extends it out, waiting for my answer impatiently.

"Yes! A gazillion times yes!" I answer back and he slowly places the ring on my finger and pulls me into a deep kiss.

I quickly break the kiss, realizing all the anesthesia, and medications I have been on. "Not a good time to kiss," I make a face but he dips his head in anyways.

The kiss is heavenly. When his soft lips come crashing down to mine, something ignited inside of my body. A feeling which only he makes me feel. The feeling of home.

He deepens the kiss, by pulling me slowly by my chin. Not a moment later, I feel his tongue at the door of my lips, waiting to barge in. I wait for a moment before our tongue meeting and I feel bombs exploding inside of my stomach.

I slowly put my hand on his cheek, caressing it as our kiss deepens more. I slowly pull away, both of us panting. His forehead rests against mine with a smile on both of our faces.

I slowly scoot to the right side, signaling him to hop onto the bed next to me. "I don't know how to cuddle," he says but I pull him onto the bed.

"It's not that hard, just lay down and hold onto me," I smile against his lips and slowly turn the other way.

His arms pull me against his rock hard chest by my waist and I hold onto his hand on my stomach. The way he's clutching onto me, it's as if he would never let go. This is where I feel safe.

"I love you," I hear a soft whisper in my ear before darkness taking over my eyes and I fall asleep.


Hey guys, I have some news for you guys!

It's about this book. I'd like you guys to know that this book is coming to an end and only couple of chapter are left.

Yeah, I am sad too! This has been a great experience. Thank you to each and every one of you who has read this book.

And omg he proposed! Who's happy that finally they will be together? I know I am!

Don't forget to support me by pressing that little star at the bottom of your screen!

Love ya guys!

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